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News and Views from the People's Struggle

Many powerful events planned for this week at OccupyMN

By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis, MN – Occupy Minnesota, which began on October 7 in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement, continues it’s ongoing protest presence in People’s Plaza in downtown Minneapolis (the plaza between 5th & 6th Street and 3rd & 4th Avenue). Each day brings more support and more actions. The main theme of OccupyMN is “people before profits.”

Some of the daily actions are spontaneous and some are planned. Every day so far there have been spontaneous marches during the day, and every day has a planned rally and/or march at 5:00 pm. The calendar for this week is already brimming with several great rallies, marches, teach-ins and events on many topics.

Some of the highlights for this week include a rally to celebrate Indigenous People’s Day (“Columbus Day”) today (Monday, Oct. 10) at 5:00 pm. This rally will feature American Indian Movement leader Clyde Bellecourt, the danzante group KetzalCoatlicue, and other speakers about the more than 500 years of oppression and genocide against Native peoples here, and Native resistance to that.

On Tuesday, Oct. 11 there will be two marches targeting huge multinational banks. At 11:00 a.m., Minnesotans for a Fair Economy (which includes SEIU, CTUL, and several other groups) is leading a march from the occupation space to protest US Bank and Wells Fargo bank.

On Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 5:00 p.m., there will be a rally at the occupation which will march to TCF bank. TCF Bank is based in the Twin Cities and is a huge contributor to pro-corporate and very conservative politicians and causes. According to Kim DeFranco of the MN Coalition for a People’s Bailout, “TCF Bank is terrible. Everyone should come out to the People’s Plaza to march on TCF this Tuesday at 5:00 pm. They shamelessly defend the ultra-rich, giving endless money to pro-corporate right wing politicians, while they snub poor and working people. On Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. we’ll send them a strong message that the 99% won’t take it anymore.”

In the 2010 elections, TCF Bank gave $250,000 to the State Fund for Economic Growth, LLC, which in turn gave the money to MN Forward to support far right wing pro-corporate politicians, and the Taxpayer’s League of Minnesota, which is dedicated to destroying any government program that benefits poor or working people. They are also dedicated to striking down Minnesota’s campaign finance disclosure laws. Last year, Target came under intense criticism and protests for their contributions to MN Forward, but TCF did not receive as much public criticism. Protesters say that TCF Bank will hear from outraged Minnesotans on Tuesday.

On Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. there will also be a Prisoner Solidarity Noise Demo in front of the Hennepin County Jail (right next to the Occupation site) in solidarity with the more than 12,000 prisoners on hunger strike in California.

On Thursday, Oct. 13, at 5:00 p.m. there will be a student & youth rally at the occupation, then at 6:00 p.m. there will be a student & youth meeting there hosted by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). According to Steph Taylor of U of M SDS, “Whether you’re in high school or college or not in school at all, we want all young people to come together to rally Thursday at 5:00 p.m. and then to meet together at 6:00 p.m. at the occupation. We want to talk about how Wall Street, the rich & the politicians are hurting young people, and how we can get better organized to fight back.”

On Friday, Oct. 14, there will be a march at 3:00 p.m. targeting Wells Fargo and US Bank's roles in the home foreclosure crisis.

Then on Friday there will be a rally at 5:00 p.m. at the People's Plaza occupation site to celebrate the one week anniversary of the Minnesota occupation. Organizers encourage everyone to attend this rally to celebrate this important accomplishment and to rededicate themselves to joining together to end the domination of corporations and the rich over the political process.

On Saturday, Oct. 15, there is a city-wide march protesting 10 years of the war against Afghanistan. The protest begins at 1:30 p.m. at Lake Street & Hiawatha Ave., in Minneapolis. People will gather at the occupation site at 12:30 p.m. to go together to the anti-war protest.

You can keep up with the many other events, workshops and teach-ins at OccupyMN here:

#MinneapolisMN #CapitalismAndEconomy #EconomicCrisis #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyMN