Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Gina VanArnam

Brian J.Quiñones was a 30-year-old hip-hop artist, Quiñones live streamed the la

Minneapolis, MN – In response to Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman’s decision to not press charges against the Richfield and Edina police officers who killed Brian Quiñones, the groups Justice for Brian Quiñones, Twin Cities Coalition for Justice for Jamar (TCC4J), the Racial Justice Network and others gathered for a spirited picket of Mike Freeman’s residence the evening of February 11.


By Jess Sundin

Frank Chapman speaking in the South High library, at Black History Month event.

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of people came out for several events marking Black History month with Chicago’s Frank Chapman, who is a leading member of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.


By staff

National leader of Democratic Party call for a ‘recanvass’ of voting results

Minneapolis, MN – After days of delay, the results are in: Bernie Sanders won the most votes in Iowa, leading in both the initial vote, as well as after the second round where weaker candidates in each caucus are dropped. As this became clear Tom Perez, chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) called for a ‘recanvass’ of the caucus voting because of the chaotic reporting of results and the long delay. Ironically, this was caused by a new voting app developed by a small company founded by a former staffer of the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign.


By Brad Sigal

Meredith Aby.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people protested Saturday, February 1, outside the Federal Courthouse in downtown Minneapolis to condemn Donald Trump adding six more countries to his administration’s travel ban.


By Austin Dewey

Minnesota protest slams Trump's new attack on Palestine.

Minneapolis, MN – On January 31, 40 people protested at the Minneapolis Federal Building to stand in solidarity with Palestine. The MN Anti-War Committee and Women Against Military Madness called this emergency response protest after President Trump’s announcement of his ‘peace’ plan which he wants to impose on Palestine. The protest’s message was clear: the “Deal of the Century” proposed by Trump and Netanyahu is a sham and part of an expanding apartheid against the Palestinian people. There can be no deal without the Palestinian right to return, the Palestinian right to exist, and the return of Jerusalem to Palestine as its uncontested capital.


By Jess Sundin

Michael Toussaint, father of Myon Burrell, speaks

Minneapolis, MN – “A young African American man by the name of Myon Burrell has spent more than half of his life incarcerated in Minnesota prisons under the leadership of Amy Klobuchar. She was the Hennepin County Attorney and she played a role in Myon Burrell being prosecuted for a crime that he did not commit,” said Nekima Levy Pounds of Racial Justice Network, as she opened a press conference on January 29. “We want to lift up family of Tyesha Edwards, who was the victim in this case, an 11-year-old innocent child who was shot and killed. The incident that happened to Tyesha is extremely devastating. It sent shockwaves through our community.”


By Wyatt Miller

Twin Cites protest against a U.S. war on Iran

Minneapolis, MN – On January 25, around 150 anti-war activists and members of working class and community groups united to protest the U.S. military in Iraq and threats of war against Iran. Part of a global day of protest, the action came two days after millions of Iraqis overcame political disunity to fill the streets of Baghdad and demand an end to 17 years of U.S. occupation.


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis, MN – The Wall Street Journal reported this week that President Trump wants to expand his travel ban to Nigeria, Sudan, Belarus, Myanmar, Tanzania, Kyrgyzstan and Eritrea. January 27 will be the third anniversary of Trump’s first executive order, which was his first attempt at a Muslim ban. AP, BuzzFeed, CNN and other media outlets have previously reported that the White House could announce a dramatic expansion of the ban on or around that date.


By staff

Minneapolis protest demands no war with Iran, U.S. out of Iraq.

Minneapolis, MN – 20 people picketed in front of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office during a blizzard, January 17, for her legitimizing Trump’s targeting of Iran and for her silence on the U.S. occupation of Iraq.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Anti-War Committee of Minnesota is holding a protest on Friday, January 17, 4:30 p.m., at U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Office, located at 1200 S Washington Avenue in Minneapolis to demand the senator denounce the Trump administration’s military escalations with Iran and the U.S. continued occupation of Iraq. Klobuchar had the opportunity to denounce Trump’s airstrike and instead responded that Trump should have asked for Congress’ permission.