Fight Back! News

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May Day in MN – Twin Cities to celebrate online

By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Activists will gather virtually to celebrate May Day here, on Saturday, May 2. The 4 p.m. gathering is taking the place of the originally scheduled annual May Day dinner celebration, which the Twin Cities branch of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) has held for over 20 years.

Local fighters are video-recording presentations, which will be interspersed with photos and footage from the year’s demonstrations. The video will be shared for a watch party on May 2.

This year’s FRSO organizers state, “On May Day, we join with workers from around the world and celebrate the shared struggles of our class – from the fight to jail killer cops and oppose racist policing, to opposing imperialist aggression overseas and standing against Trump's racist attacks.” There will be speakers from labor, immigrant rights, anti-police crimes and student movements.

Jess Sundin, FRSO Twin Cities district organizer states, “This year’s International Workers Day celebration takes place under extraordinary circumstances, in the midst of a pandemic that has exposed all the ways that capitalism fails us. Knowing that, our celebration will lift up the determination and creative power of working and oppressed people to fight for the world we deserve, and the capacity of socialism to meet human needs.”

For more information see

#MinneapolisMN #MayDay #PeoplesStruggles #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganizationFRSO #Socialism #FRSOTwinCities

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