Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Sam Martinez

Take Back Pride march in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN – On June 28, the Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar held the fourth annual protest at Twin Cities Pride, with over 10,000 in attendance. The organizing came on the heels of the Minneapolis rebellion for Justice for George Floyd. The ad hoc coalition of 100+ groups organized a Pride protest and celebration in a two-week timeframe. This was due to winning their demands of corporations and cops out of Pride. It is a victory that was built on the founding of the organization almost five years ago after the murder of Jamar Clark in 2015. This year’s protest demanded: Justice for George Floyd and all victims of police terror; defend Black trans folks; community control of police, and freedom for all political prisoners and the wrongfully incarcerated


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – A proposal to amend faculty senate bylaws and create a new Campus Safety Committee failed to garner enough votes to pass during a June 29 University Senate meeting, open only to voting members. The proposed committee would “advise and consult with the President, the responsible senior administrators, and the Vice President for University Services on policies and major decisions relating to campus and public safety at the University,” and would be made up of faculty, academic professional members, students, civil service members, and ex officio representatives.


By staff

Minneapolis protest against police crimes.

Minneapolis MN – The Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar (TCC4J) has come out against the city council’s proposed Community Safety and Violence Prevention charter amendment (2020-00668), that would rename the Minneapolis police department and would give the city council and mayor the power to anoint the head of the newly-named “Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention.” The measure was heard in the online city council meeting June 26.


By staff

Jess Sundin of Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar.

Minneapolis, MN – A coalition of police accountability and civil rights organizations held a press conference to denounce plans by Mayor Jacob Frey to turn over police accountability efforts to the Minneapolis Foundation and an unnamed group of advisors. This comes on the heels of nine city council members declaring they will disband the Minneapolis Police Department.


By staff

Large march in Minneapolis in defense of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Minneapolis, MN – With the Supreme Court set to rule on their future, almost 1000 immigrant youth and their supporters marched on June 12 to defend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that shields 800,000 young immigrants from deportation.


By staff

Twin Cities protest against police crimes.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 3000 rallied on the Hennepin County Government Center Plaza, June 13, as people across the country rallied and marched against police crimes. The spirited rally was followed by a march through downtown streets.


By staff

Labor unions standing up to police crimes.

Minneapolis, MN – On Thursday, June 11, 3200 protesters gathered at the Hennepin County Government Center demanding justice for George Floyd and real change. Protests had been going on daily, sometimes several per day, for 18 days since the police murder of George Floyd.


By AFSCME Local 3800

Protest called by Minnesota Workers United demands justice for George Floyd.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following resolution from AFSCME Local 3800.


By staff

Loretta VanPelt of Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar (TCC4J).

Minneapolis, MN – On June 7, Minneapolis officials tried to pull one over on the people again, in the guise of promising real change after the murder of George Floyd. Nine city council members declared a “commitment to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department.” The announcement was made at community meeting held by Black Visions and Reclaim the Block, two grassroots organizations that have been calling on the council to divest from MPD since 2018.


By Redacción

Sindicalistas en Minnesota exigen justicia para George Floyd

Minneapolis, MN – Alrededor de 500 sindicalistas y funcionarios de docenas de sindicatos se reunieron en la casa del fiscal del condado de Hennepin Mike Freeman en el suroeste de Minneapolis, el 31 de mayo, para exigir justicia para George Floyd y poner fin a la vigilancia racista. Los manifestantes se resolvieron a no permitir que los tropos racistas sobre los agitadores externos les impidieran hacer lo correcto.

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