Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – More than fifty poor and working people came together to celebrate May Day, international workers day, May 6. The event, organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization stressed the victories won by the peoples struggle in the past year, the fights that lie ahead, and the need for unity between employed and unemployed workers. Half the people attending the event were from the low income community and engaged the fight against welfare cuts.


By staff

Thumbnail of flier

Fight Back News Service urges our Twin Cities area readers to attend this event on the anti-war RNC protests, sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization .


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – March 27, more than 60 protest continued sanctions and bombing attacks on Iraq. Since the crisis in December, the US has bombed over 60 times, and sanctions have killed tens of thousands of civilians. For about an hour, protesters handed out leaflets and carried signs and banners at this Uptown picket line. Ending with a short rally, speakers denounced the almost daily bombing of Iraq, and the ever-growing death toll caused by US/UN sanctions. They also called on the anti-war movement to mobilize to stop the war on Yugoslavia.

#MinneapolisMN #News #Iraq #IraqSanctions #BombingOfYugoslavia #MiddleEast

By staff

- The Iraq Peace Action Coalition (IPAC) has plans for a public protest of U.S. policy in Iraq. The protest will mark the 9-year anniversary of the imposition of economic sanctions against Iraq.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN - The Iraq Peace Action Coalition (IPAC) has announced a picket line and bannering to show opposition to U.S. policy towards Iraq. The protest will be held on February 11, at 4:30 p.m., at the Federal Courts Building in downtown Minneapolis.


By Meredith Aby

Demonstrators block doors of Federal Building

- On March 25, over 250 protesters gathered at the Federal Office Building in downtown Minneapolis at 7 a.m. for the Anti-War Committee’s rally against the war on Iraq. Protesters then marched through downtown streets to the federal courts building. As they approached the Federal Building, activists peeled off from the march to cover entrances, preventing people and cars from entering the building. While the outside entrances were blocked, activists who were masquerading as visitors did a die-in, blocking the metal detectors inside the building. The march continued to the front plaza, where a legal rally was held in solidarity with the demonstrators doing civil disobedience and with the people of Iraq. 67 protesters were arrested. Police held some for 12 hours.


By Redacción

Trabajadores de hoteles en huelga en Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Minneapolis, MN — En Junio, casi 1.500 trabajadores de 9 hoteles en Minneapolis, Minnesota fueron en huelga. Los trabajadores son organizado en el sindicato HERE 17, muchos de ellos son inmigrantes; se hablan mas de 17 idiomas. Los dueños de los hoteles ganan milliones de dólares, mientras los trabajadores seguir viviendo en pobreza con pocos beneficios. Los trabajadores lucharon por salarios mejores, beneficios de salud y la dignidad en su trabajos. La huelga, apoyado por 94% de los trabajadores, duró 13 dias y recibió atención naciónal. Los trabajadores de varios nacionalidades construyeron unidad en la lucha, y ganaron el apoyo de otros trabajadores y de la comunidad. Al fin, los trabajadores ganaron salarios mejores, beneficios de salud para sus familias, y mas dignidad.

Trabajadores de hoteles en huelga en Minneapolis, Minnesota.

#MinneapolisMN #ImmigrantRights #News #HERELocal17 #trabajadoresInmigrantes #hoteles

By staff

A photo of Rosemary Williams and supporters at her home.

Minneapolis, MN – On Friday, July 31, at about 3:00 p.m., Rosemary Williams got word that the deal with Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation (GMHC) to buy her home fell through. This, after the drama of July 24, when shortly after a 24-hour eviction notice was served, she got word that GMHC was to purchase her home and arrange to lease it back to her. A week of relief and celebration and hope was capped off by Friday’s devastating news.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – More than 200 people rallied August 21 to protest the U.S. missile attacks on Afghanistan and Sudan. In the Sudan, the U.S. targeted a factory that produces much of the country's medicines. Protest organizers said that the war moves were designed to assert U.S. control over the Third World. Organizations participating in the protest included Iraq Peace Action Coalition, Progressive Student Organization, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Women Against Military Madness, and the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador.

#MinneapolisMN #News #Afghanistan #Sudan #Africa

By Jim Paist

Summer protest with US out of Yugoslavia signs

Minneapolis, MN – About 25 people rallied at the Federal Building, July 29, to protest the U.S.-led NATO occupation of Yugoslavia's Kosovo province.