Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Alan Dale

The following is from a speech delivered by Alan Dale, for the Emergency Committee Against U.S. Intervention in Yugoslavia, at a Minneapolis anti-war protest March 24.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Twin Cities-based Emergency Committee Against US Intervention in Yugoslavia sent a solidarity statement to an October 16 anti-war demonstration in Brussels, Belgium. The protest was a response to threats by the U.S.-dominated military alliance, NATO, to attack Yugoslavia. Demonstrators organized by the Workers Party of Belgium demanded, “No NATO Bombings, NATO out of the Balkans.”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cities peace organizations are mobilizing to stop the U.S. war threats to Yugoslavia. The White House is planning a new round of intervention in response to the conflict in Kosovo.


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis, MN - The Bush administration pretends that the U.S. efforts to occupy Iraq are going smoothly. Bush acts like his 'peace plan' for the Middle East is popular. Meanwhile, activists here are continuing to organize against the U.S. efforts to occupy the Middle East.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Two hundred people gathered here Nov. 8 to protest the U.S. attack on the Iraqi resistance in Fallujah. Chanting, “The people of Fallujah are under attack! What do we do? Stand up, fight back!” the enthusiastic crowd cheered as cars honking in support drove by. Demonstrations are taking place all over the word in response to these latest moves by the U.S. military.


By staff

Minneapolis protest against Iraqi elections

Minneapolis, MN – About 100 people demonstrated here Jan. 29 to oppose the occupation and fake elections in Iraq. Similar protests took place around the country.


By Alan Dale

Minneapolis, MN - On Saturday, Mar. 19 over 1500 people participated in a Minneapolis anti-war demonstration, under the call, “ U.S. troops…out now!”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN - More than 200 people demonstrated June 30 in downtown Minneapolis at the Hennepin County Government Center plaza, demanding that the U.S. government, “End the war in Iraq, end the occupation and bring the troops home now!” The event was sponsored by the Iraq Peace Action Coalition, an organization made up of Twin Cities area peace and justice groups.


By Tracy Molm

Minneapolis, MN - At the annual Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Pride festival here, there was a unique marriage of causes: The struggle against war in Iraq tied the knot with the struggle for civil rights for the GLBT community at home. In a creative act of solidarity, the Anti-War Committee marched under the banner, “I do say no to war!” and offered same-sex couples the chance to ‘Commit to Peace’ and each other, in a ceremony led by an ordained minister.


By Erika Zurawski

Student Protest at U of M

Minneapolis, MN -A two thousand-plus crowd of high school, college and even elementary school students gathered at the University of Minnesota student union, Nov. 2 to protest the war on Iraq and demand that military recruiters get out of their schools.