Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Occupy Minneapolis in Mayor's office

Minneapolis, MN – About 100 rallied in front of City Hall here, April 9, and then occupied the office of Mayor R.T. Rybak, demanding a public meeting with the mayor in response to the April 7 police attack on occupiers. Initially, representatives of the mayor’s office threatened arrests. After about an hour of chanting and mic checks in the office reception area, Mayor Rybak agreed to an April 10 meeting.


By staff

Meredith Aby introduces speakers at forum on role of NATO.

Minneapolis, MN – Speaking to a standing room only crowd at May Day Book Store, April 7, leaders of the Twin Cities anti-war movement denounced NATO as an aggressive alliance of western imperialism and urged listeners to join them at the massive protest planned for the NATO Summit. The protest will coincide the Summit’s opening, May 20.


By Kelly O'Brien

Minneapolis protest demands justice for Trayvon Martin.

Minneapolis, MN – On March 29, the Million Hoodies event began here in early evening. Over 5500 people crowded the Northrop Plaza at the University of Minnesota, from all over the Twin Cities area. Excitement escalated as organizers began with chants such as, “What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now!” There were speakers from all over the Twin Cities -students, professors and community members alike. For over an hour, they spoke about the significance of the murder of Trayvon Martin.


By staff

Minneapolis protest demands U.S. out of Afghanistan

Minneapolis, MN – Several Twin Cities anti-war organizations held an emergency protest on here, March 17, in response to the murder of 16 Afghan civilians by a U.S. soldier. The protest, in the West Bank neighborhood of Minneapolis, was organized under the call, “End the U.S. War in Afghanistan now!”


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Minnesota Committee to Stop FBI Repression on repression against Julian Assange.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On March 8, President Obama signed the Federal Restricted Building and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011. This bill has been called the “anti-Occupy bill” and it specifically targets protests at national security events where the Secret Service is in charge.


By Kelly O'Brien

Minneapolis, MN – Over 65 people joined a March 1 protest here for education rights at the University of Minnesota campus. Students, staff and faculty rallied outside of Morrill Hall, the administrative building on campus, to call for transparency in governance, an end to bloated administration, and no tuition hikes or staff and faculty layoffs.


By staff

International Women's Day 2012 panel in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people gathered here March 9 to celebrate International Women’s Day. The event was sponsored by Freedom Road Socialist Organization and featured women leaders from the people’s struggles.


By staff

Meredith Aby speaks in solidarity with Carlos Montes

Minneapolis, MN – On March 2, protesters gathered at the Minneapolis Federal Building to show their solidarity with veteran Chicano leader Carlos Montes as he was in court in Los Angeles. The Minneapolis protesters called the repression against Montes a frame up and demanded that all charges against him be dropped. Montes was in court on March 2 for pre-trial motions, with an upcoming trial looming. He is one of 24 activists being targeted for repression because of their anti-war and international solidarity activism. Montes' life story was featured this week in Los Angeles magazine, detailing his inspiring history of activism since the 1960s and the serious repression he has faced, and continues to face. The Minneapolis protest was organized by the MN Committee to Stop FBI Repression.

#MinneapolisMN #InJusticeSystem #ChicanoLatino #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #CarlosMontes #CommitteeToStopFBIRepression #MinnesotaCommitteeToStopFBIRepression

By Kelly O'Brien

Minneapolis, MN – Across the country, student activists are promoting a national day of action for education rights on March 1. While administrators make six figure salaries and receive bonus payouts, students’ tuition and fees are rising to unprecedented heights and staff and faculty continue to be laid off. Students are paying more for fewer services and less education. Students, staff and faculty nationwide are uniting for transparency in administration and spending and the right to an affordable education.