Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Jared Hamil

CSO members early voting at Boyle Heights City Hall.

Los Angeles, CA – On Nov. 6, millions of Californians will be headed to the polls for the midterm elections. Many contested seats are up for election, including the governor, house, and senate seats. On top of that, are 12 state propositions up for voting. We encourage you to register and vote.


By Carlos Montes

LA protest demands justice for Anthony Vargas.

Los Angeles, CA – A protest shook the East LA Sheriff's Department station, Sept. 8. Lisa Vargas, the mother of Anthony Vargas, who was murdered by LA sheriffs, told the crowd “We’re here today for Anthony but we also know there are others who lose loved ones and don’t come out to speak. For whatever reason, but we’re for them also. We believe that my son was innocent. And we believe that he did not deserve this.”


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Los Angeles, CA – Thousands of enthusiastic union members united for a great march and rally in the heart of the historical Wilmington Chicano community, Sept 3.


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LA teachers take strike authorization vote

LA Commemoration of Chicano Moratorium.

Los Angeles, CA – The featured speaker at this year’s commemoration of the historic 1970 Chicano Moratorium against the War was United Teachers of LA (UTLA) chapter chair at Marvin Avenue Elementary School and longtime Centro CSO member Lupe Torres.


By staff

Celebración del 48 aniversario de la Moratoria Chicana en LA.

Los Ángeles, CA – Familias, sindicalistas, maestros, activistas y estudiantes llenaron la casa en el centro local de arte chicano, Self Help Graphics, el 29 de agosto, para conmemorar el 48 aniversario de la Moratoria chicana contra la guerra. El programa honró la histórica moratoria chicana del 29 de agosto de 1970, donde más de 30,000 chicanos marcharon en el este de Los Ángeles para protestar por la alta tasa de víctimas muertos de los chicanos en la guerra de Vietnam. El conocido periodista Rubén Salazar fue asesinado por un alguacil del LA durante las protestas.

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By staff

Celebration of the 48th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium in LA.

Los Angeles, CA – Families, union members, teachers, activists and students filled the house at local Chicano art center, Self Help Graphics, Aug. 29, to commemorate the 48th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium Against the War. The program honored the historic Aug. 29, 1970 Chicano Moratorium, where over 30,000 Chicanos marched in East LA to protest the high casualty rate of Chicanos in the Vietnam War. Well-known journalist Ruben Salazar was killed by a n LA sheriff deputy during the protests.


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Los Angeles, CA – Families, activists and students will commemorate the 48th anniversary of the historic Chicano Moratorium Against the War, on August 29, 6:30 pm at Self Help Graphics, 1300 E. First Street in LA.


By Carlos Montes

LA protest on second anniversary of Jesse Romero killing by LAPD.

Los Angeles, CA – Two years after the LAPD killing of 14-year-old student Jesse Romero, the Boyle Heights community united to demand “Justice for Jesse.” About 50 people gathered at the intersection of Breed Street and César E. Chávez Boulevard, the site where Romero was killed, to hold a vigil and protest. Throughout the day, a national call-in day was held to demand L.A. District Attorney Jackie Lacey jail and prosecute killer cops.


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Protest demands justice for Isaiah Tucker who was killed by Oshkosh cops.

Los Angeles, CA – On August 2, family and friends held a loud protest over the July 14 killing of Erick Aguirre by the Rialto Police Department (RPD). The 50-person protest included a picket line in front of the RPD, posters and a large banner with Aguirre’s image. The protest got wide coverage by local media and received support from passing cars with waves and horns honking.


By staff

Centro CSO at June 30 immigrant rights protest.

Los Angeles, CA – The LA Civic Center area was the scene of mass protest against Trumps attacks on immigrants, including jailing and separating families. Thousands of people marched to voice their opposition to the Trump policy of increase arrests and deportations of families from Central America and Mexico.