Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Jim Byrne

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Tucson, AZ—“Que vivan los niños! Que Vivan!” Este era el grito de alrededor de 70 mujeres, hombres y niños, en las afuera de la librería publica del centro de Tucson el 30 de Julio. Una de las madres presente expreso: “Estamos aquí para apoyar a los niños de Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras, que están huyendo de las gangas, de la violencia y de la pobreza”.

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By staff

'Indictment' posted on the door of U.S. Sen. John McCain's Tucson office

Tucson, AZ – On the evening of March 14, despite rainy weather, nearly 40 Tucson activists gathered to protest Senator John McCain’s support for terrorism and fascism around the world, particularly in the Ukraine and Venezuela.


By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Los norteamericanos están celebrando la derrota del hombre rico y bélico John McCain. Votaron por un cambio – un fin a la guerra, las mentiras y la corrupción. Muchos vieron que McCain era la continuación de las políticas fracasadas de Bush, y lo castigaron con el voto. Es seguro que la respuesta insuficiente de McCain a la crisis económica y su apoyo para los ricos aseguró su derrota. Los votantes de la clase trabajadora y la clase media están preocupados por la economía, se oponen al “rescate” de $700 mil millones y buscan un líder que “compartiría la riqueza”.

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By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

El movimiento anti-guerra y una coalición amplia de gente progresista están listos para protestar afuera de la convención nacional republicana el primero de septiembre en San Pablo, Minnesota. Los organizadores de la protesta esperan que más de 50,000 personas llenen las calles el primero de septiembre, día que también es celebrado como el día de los trabajadores. La gente que va a protestar enfrentará a los republicanos guerreristas, racistas y reaccionarios quienes hace sólo unos años se jactaron que los republicanos se mantendrían en el poder para siempre.

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By Daniel Ginsberg

Protesters with banner, "Fund education not occupation"

Cedarburg, WI – One day after the protests against the Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Sept. 5, members of the Progressive Students of Milwaukee caught wind that Republican presidential and vice-presidential candidates John McCain and Sarah Palin, were headed to Cedarburg, Wisconsin, a Republican stronghold town of 11,000, for a rally.


By Charla Schlueter

Lake Forest, CA – Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain stood together in Orange County at the SaddleBack mega-church, Aug. 16, home of evangelical pastor Rick Warren, to engage in a ‘civil forum.’


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

On Sept. 1, 2008 the Republican Party will hold its national convention at the Xcel Center in Saint Paul, Minnesota. They will be there to nominate John McCain for president, and justify the wars against – and occupations of – Iraq and Afghanistan. The Republicans will gather to celebrate economic policies that have brought riches to the few and foreclosures, homelessness and unemployment to the many. Republican delegates will cheer the anti-immigrant attacks as party leaders try to use racism to cement their reactionary supporters. We can also expect attacks from the podium on women’s rights to control our own bodies and attacks on gay marriage.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The tens of thousands of RNC protesters who hit the streets of Saint Paul Sept. 1 – 4 did something that was truly great. The demonstrations sent a powerful message that was heard around the world: The people of the United States reject the war on Iraq and the Republican agenda. We insist on peace, justice and equality. This message was heard by the rich and powerful, who responded with repression. And it was heard by hundreds of millions of people. Reports of the protests were carried by thousands of media outlets ranging from network TV in the U.S. to Al Jazeera to the New China News Agency. The Sept. 1 rally against the war was carried live on C-SPAN.