Santa Ana, CA – On March 8, over 80 people gathered at Santa Ana’s Memorial Park to rally for International Women’s Day. The attendees raised flags and signs in support of LGBTQ rights, Palestinian liberation, and reproductive rights.
Los Angeles, CA – On March 8, activists from Centro CSO and Freedom Road Socialist Organization met up in Boyle Heights for their eighth annual celebration marking International Women’s Day. This year’s event featured a panel with speakers from different areas of work that Centro CSO is focused on such as immigration, education, and police brutality, as well as a labor activist from Freedom Road Socialist Organization, and a keynote speaker from the LAUSD school board.
New Orleans, LA – On Saturday, March 8, about 70 people gathered in Lafayette Square in downtown New Orleans in honor of this year’s International Women’s Day.
The crowd rallied around a banner demanding “Protect women’s and trans rights! From Palestine to Mexico, end all family separations!” Several speakers from grassroots movements discussed the urgency of gender liberation and the need to carry on the legacy of resistance from the revolutionary women of the past.
Orlando, FL – On March 8, the Orlando district of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) held a spoken word and trivia fundraiser to commemorate International Women’s Day and gather the Orlando community in the face of recent attacks on women. The slogans raised at the event were “Defend Women’s and Reproductive Rights,” “Stand with the Women of Palestine” and “Stop the Deportations! Keep Families Together.”
Minneapolis, MN – 100 people came out of the cold of Minnesota’s winter and jumped into the fires of the struggle on Friday, March 7. Beginning at 6 p.m., the hall of the Lucy Parson’s Center was packed for an event to mark International Women’s Day.
Minneapolis, MN – On Saturday, March 8, the Minnesota Abortion Action Committee (MNAAC) and its partners hosted a protest and march on International Women’s Day. The Minneapolis protest drew over 1200 people across generations and justice movements. They filled Mayday Plaza and lined Cedar Avenue, holding signs in support of reproductive, trans rights and immigrant rights. Other signs included slogans critical of President Trump, Elon Musk, and the current U.S. government.
Philadelphia, PA – Drawn into the streets by the Trump administration’s broad attack on women’s and LGBTQ s rights, nearly 1000 protesters marched through Center City for International Women’s Day on March 8. The march disrupted traffic along the busy shopping district of Rittenhouse Square.
Washington, DC – On March 8, International Women’s Day, community members and activists gathered at Sankofa Cafe in downtown D.C. for a panel discussion on the struggle for women’s liberation.
The event, hosted by Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) DC, featured panelists that represented several sectors of struggle, including women’s rights, immigrant rights, anti-war and international struggles, oppressed nationalities movements, LGBTQ, and trans rights.
Grand Rapids, MI – In the heart of downtown Grand Rapids at Rosa Parks Circle, over 2000 community members gathered around the stage and ice skating rink, March 8, for an International Women’s Day rally. Despite freezing winds, the crowd swelled through the afternoon, culminating in a march past City Hall and federal buildings.
Atlanta, GA – Activists and community members rallied at the Georgia State Capitol on March 8 to celebrate International Women’s Day and to stand against Trump’s attacks. The protest was hosted by Freedom Road Socialist Organization, the Atlanta Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and Atlanta for Palestine and featured speakers from each of the groups.
Tallahassee, FL – Shouts cut through the gray skies outside Florida’s state capitol on March 8, International Women’s Day, as people gathered to mark the new phase in the fight for women’s rights that came with the second Trump administration. Hosted by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) alongside various community organizations, the rally brought out around one hundred people who braved the rain.
Dallas, TX – Despite rainy weather, over 300 participants came out to Civic Garden Park to commemorate International Women's Day. Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) partnered with several organizations to put together the rally and march.
Jacksonville, FL – This year’s International Women’s Day was celebrated March 8 by a crowd of nearly 100 people on a day to honor revolutionary and working women, filled with speakers, performances, crafts and good food. Members of the Jacksonville community joined together to remember the struggle of women who have come and fought before us, and to stand with the women continuing that struggle now.
Tampa, FL – Around 80 people gathered in front of Tampa City Hall on Saturday, March 8, in honor of International Women’s Day and to rally against Trump’s reactionary policies.
Denver, CO – Colorado residents celebrated International Women’s Day, March 8, by showing up to the state Capitol building to protest the Trump administration’s attacks on LGBTQ and women’s rights.
Austin, TX – On the afternoon of March 8, International Women’s Day, around 400 people rallied in downtown Austin in front of the Texas State Capitol building.
Milwaukee, WI – Over 1200 people joined the 4th annual International Women’s Day celebration organized by the Milwaukee IWD Coalition, a broad coalition consisting of numerous grassroots organizations.
This year’s event began with a rally, followed by a brief march to the Milwaukee Turners, an historic building with a progressive socialist history that is located on Vel R. Phillips Avenue, named after a trailblazing civil rights leader from Milwaukee. At the Turners, the event transitioned to a panel discussion with various organizers, and a keynote address by Alondra García, a public school educator and immigrant rights activist.
Por la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad
A través del mundo, el Día Internacional de las Mujeres siempre ha sido más que una celebración – es un día de lucha. Fue forjado en la lucha de las obreras textiles de Nueva York, quienes salieron a las calles en 1908 para protestar contra la superexplotación que sufrían en los talleres clandestinos mientras intentaban mantener a sus familias: condiciones laborales peligrosas, horas extenuantes, trabajo infantil y el robo de sueldos. Marcharon brazo a brazo con las suffragettes que luchaban por el derecho al voto de las mujeres. La heroína revolucionaria Clara Zetkin designó el 8 de marzo como un día global de acción para unir a las mujeres del mundo en la lucha por el socialismo y la liberación.
Across the world, International Women’s Day has always been more than a celebration – it is a day of struggle. It was forged in the fight of New York City garment workers who took to the streets in 1908, to protest the super-exploitation they endured in sweatshops as they tried to support their families: dangerous working conditions, back-breaking hours, child labor and wage theft. They marched shoulder to shoulder with the suffragettes fighting for women’s right to vote. The revolutionary hero Clara Zetkin marked March 8th as a global day of action as a way to unite women worldwide in the fight for socialism and liberation.