Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Labor Commission

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. AFSCME is a direct assault by the ruling class on the U.S. labor movement. It is an attack led by corporations and right-wing foundations, such as the National Right to Work Foundation and the Bradley Foundation, and fully supported by the Trump administration. While this particular assault, the Janus decision, is focused on public sector unions, make no mistake, the effects will be felt across the labor movement and by the entire working class.


By Communist Party of Greece (KKE)

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Fight Back! is circulating the following comradely greetings from the Communist Party of Greece to the Freedom Road Socialist Organization on the occasion of their 8th Congress.


By staff

Distributing Fight Back! at Denver May Day event.

Denver, CO – Denver Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) held a gathering in front of the Colorado capitol building on May 1 to celebrate International Workers Day. The Front Range Socialist Party and John Brown Gun Club held a food and clothing drive at the same location.


By staff

Intentional Women's Day rally in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis, MN — About 100 people rallied here, March 8, to mark International Women’s Day. Loretta Van Pelt, of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, told the crowd, “We in Freedom Road know the enemy is bigger than Trump. And we call out that enemy. It is the capitalist class. We see the oppression and patriarchy that they try to shove down our throats. Their system that says women should work for peanuts, or work for free, and silently accept the abuses that ruin our lives. But we will not be silent! Today, on International Women’s Day, we shout our rage.”


By staff

Women's March in Denver.

Denver, CO – On Jan. 20, thousands of people gathered in Denver to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the women’s march. This crowd included individuals from every background to march for women’s rights and against the various misogynistic policies put into place by Donald Trump. The weather was frigid, but that did not stop the marchers from carrying on. They gathered at the Civic Center amphitheater and marched around Civic Center Park where they then held a rally.


By Jessica Schwartz

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Tampa, FL – On April 30, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization and other organizations will come together to celebrate May Day, or International Workers Day. The protest will be at 2 p.m. in Lykes Gaslight Park in downtown Tampa.


By staff

Chrisley Carpio

Fight Back! interviewed Chrisley Carpio, a student activist and leader of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) Student Commission. Carpio organizes with campus activists across the country from a variety of student groups. She is an experienced and tested leader who others can learn from. Fight Back!: How did you get involved in student activism?


By staff

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Washington DC – Speaking to a protesters assembled in Columbus Circle, Jan. 20, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization Political Secretary Steff Yorek said, “We need to stay in the streets the entire four years opposing Trump and making the country ungovernable.”


By staff

FRSO banner in Washington DC anti-Trump protest

Washington, DC – Protesters are gathering early morning, Jan. 20, at Columbus Circle to protest the Trump agenda. Tens of thousands of people will particulate in Washington DC protests today, the day of Trump’s inauguration.

#WashingtonDC #PeoplesStruggles #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganizationFRSO #DumpTrump

By Frank Chapman

“Trump is the way backward. We are the way forward”

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We are circulating the text of Frank Chapman’s Nov. 19 speech at Chicago’s 25th annual People’s Thanksgiving event, hosted Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Frank Chapman is a veteran of the Black Liberation Movement. He was a victim of wrongful imprisonment as a young man, and then, like Malcolm X, George Jackson and others, became politicized in prison. His release was won through a political struggle led Angela Davis. From 1981 through 1989, Frank was the executive director of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. In the past five years, he’s returned to that work, leading the campaign of the Chicago Alliance to win an elected, civilian police accountability council.