Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By mick

Fight Back! editor Mick Kelly at a Minneapolis October, 2019 celebration of the

The following speech was delivered by Fight Back! editor Mick Kelly at a Minneapolis October, 2019 celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese revolution. Kelly is a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of Freedom Road Socialist Organization and is responsible for its international relations.


By staff

UAW picket line at Colorado GM facility.

Aurora, CO – Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) members from Denver, Colorado joined the UAW picket line, October 13, at the General Motors (GM) distribution facility in Aurora. That facility is part of the national strike of General Motors where workers are seeking to improved pay, to maintain high quality health care and to provide a path for temporary workers to become permanent workers.


By staff

Washington DC – “La Organización Socialista del Camino a la Libertad (FRSO) condena enérgicamente el asesinato en masa realizado en El Paso”, dijo Masao Suzuki, presidente de la Comisión de Nacionalidades Conjuntas de FRSO. Sobre el tirador dijo: “Con una cuenta de Twitter gustando el hashtag BuildtheWall y una foto de armas que deletrean a Trump, está claro que la motivación para este crimen de supremacía blanca está determinada por los ataques racistas de Trump”.

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By staff

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Caracas, Venezuela – Pictured, left to right, at the international São Paulo Forum in Caracas, Venezuela: professor and eco socialist author Miguel Angel Nunez, Secretary General of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) David Choquehuanca, and Tom Burke of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.


By Sean Orr

Memorial for Jorge Rodríguez.

Caracas, Venezuela – On July 25, a delegation from Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) participated in an event to mark the 33rd anniversary of the murder of Jorge Rodríguez, Sr. Several hundred people gathered in the cemetery in Caracas where his tomb lies alongside other “martyrs of the Revolution” who were killed in the decades before Chávez came to power.


By Sean Orr

Caracas, Venezuela – From July 25 to 28, delegates from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) will be participating in the 25th Sao Paolo Forum, held this year in Caracas, Venezuela. Over 1000 delegates from around the world will be attending, under the slogan “For Peace, Sovereignty and the Prosperity of the People: Unity, Struggle, Combat and Victory!”


By staff

Angie Nixon spoke to the crowd about the importance of building alliances betwe

Jacksonville, FL – About 35 people gathered on May 1 to celebrate International Workers’ Day in Jacksonville. The rally was held in front of the Duval County Courthouse. Members of several local trade unions were present, including Letter Carriers, Teamsters, SEIU, Teachers, and IATSE. Other local activist groups included the Community Action Committee, Students for a Democratic Society, Progressive Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Network, the Northside Coalition, and the local Democratic Black Caucus.


By Redacción

La delegation de FRSO con la Ministra de Comunas Blanca Eckhout. (FightBack!News

Caracas, Venezuela – La delegación de la Organización Socialista del Camino a la Libertad (FRSO) en Venezuela se reunió con la Ministra de Comunas Blanca Eckhout, después de su discurso triunfante sobre la construcción de 2.6 millones de nuevas viviendas. Eckhout citó a Hugo Chávez y dijo: “Nuestra nueva sociedad no puede ser capitalista porque el capitalismo está diseñado para destruir nuestra patria, nuestra sociedad y nuestra gente”.

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By staff

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Caracas, Venezuela – The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) delegation in Venezuela met the Minister of Communes Blanca Eckhout, after her triumphant speech about building 2.6 million new homes. Eckhout quoted Hugo Chavez, saying, “Our new society cannot be capitalist because capitalism is designed to destroy our homeland, our society and our people.”


By staff

March against NATO in Washington DC.

Washington DC – Hundreds of people gathered in Lafayette Square, a park opposite the White House, March 30, to respond to the call to action against NATO, racism and war. The organizers also strongly emphasized the slogan “Hands off Venezuela” to protest the Trump administration and NATO’s attempts to overthrow the democratically-elected government of Nicolás Maduro.