Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By David Hoskins

The labor movement will face real challenges from the Trump administration.

Washington, D.C. – Labor officials in Washington D.C. are preparing for the worst and hoping for the best as Donald Trump assumes the office of president of the United States after losing the popular vote by 2.9 million votes but winning enough electoral votes from the states to assume the presidency. Trump secured his Electoral College win by squeaking ahead just slightly of corporate Democrat Hillary Clinton in states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.


By staff

On the evening of Jan. 20, about 400 protesters rallied at Dealey Plaza before marching through downtown Dallas to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump. The action was organized by North Texas Resistance, a community organization formed in the wake of Trump's electoral victory to fight against the new president and the reactionary policies and political forces he represents.


By staff

On the evening of Jan. 20, about 400 protesters rallied at Dealey Plaza before marching through downtown Dallas to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump. The action was organized by North Texas Resistance, a community organization formed in the wake of Trump's electoral victory to fight against the new president and the reactionary policies and political forces he represents.


By staff

On Jan. 20, the Progressive Student Union at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) held a march against the inauguration of Donald Trump. About 40 students marched across campus chanting slogans and holding signs and a banner, before delivering a written demand to the office of the president of the university.


By staff

On Jan. 20, the Progressive Student Union at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) held a march against the inauguration of Donald Trump. About 40 students marched across campus chanting slogans and holding signs and a banner, before delivering a written demand to the office of the president of the university.


By ehsivar cuodo

On Jan. 20, about 600 protesters led by the New Orleans Workers Group and Take 'em Down Nola assembled at Duncan Plaza near the New Orleans City Hall before marching through New Orleans in a protest against Donald Trump. Protesters chanted “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA,” and “Capitalism must go! When? Now!”


By staff

On Jan. 20, the Progressive Student Union at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) held a march against the inauguration of Donald Trump. About 40 students marched across campus chanting slogans and holding signs and a banner, before delivering a written demand to the office of the president of the university.


By staff

500 people marched through the streets of downtown Miami, Jan. 20, Inauguration Day, in opposition to the Trump/Pence agenda. The protest was called for by the Anti-Trump Action Committee and brought together a diverse crowd of labor, immigrant rights, anti-war and Black Lives Matter activists. The groups united around the slogan: “Stop the Trump Agenda.”


By A. S. Sherwood

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On Jan. 20 Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States of America. That same night, the People's Coalition Against Trump, made up of working-class people and organizations, rallied at Houston City Hall in protest of the inauguration.


By A. S. Sherwood

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

On Jan. 20 Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States of America. That same night, the People's Coalition Against Trump, made up of working-class people and organizations, rallied at Houston City Hall in protest of the inauguration.