Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Tom Burke

Protest against Trump's attack on DACA in Grand Rapids, MI.

Grand Rapids, MI – In response to President Trump's attack on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) 600 immigrants and their supporters marched and rallied in Grand Rapids. Youth and students impacted by Trump's decision led the march with a large banner demanding, “Dignity, respect, and permanent protection,” and “Dignidad, respeto, y proteccion permanente,” in Spanish.


By staff

Minneapolis protesters lining up to march in defense of DACA.

Minneapolis, MN — About 2500 people marched through the streets of Minneapolis, Sept. 5, demanding “Hands off DACA! No more deportations!” Protesters gathered at the Minnesota Republican Party headquarters and marched to downtown where they joined another powerful rally organized by Asamblea de Derechos Civiles.


By staff

Minneapolis protesters lining up to march in defense of DACA.

Minneapolis, MN — About 2500 people marched through the streets of Minneapolis, Sept. 5, demanding “Hands off DACA! No more deportations!” Protesters gathered at the Minnesota Republican Party headquarters and marched to downtown where they joined another powerful rally organized by Asamblea de Derechos Civiles.


By staff

Washington​ D.C​ — Una​ de​ las​ más​ grandes​ victorias​ del​ 2012​ conquistadas​ por​ el​ movimiento de​ los​ derechos​ de​ los​ inmigrantes​ está​ siendo​ amenazada​ por​ el​ presidente​ Trump. El​ domingo​ 3​ de​ septiembre,​ el​ presidente​ Trump​ habló​ con​ el​ líder​ de​ la​ Cámara​ de Representantes​ Paul​ Ryan​ sobre​ la​ eliminación​ de​ DACA​ en​ los​ próximos​ seis​ meses.

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By Legalization For All (L4A)

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following press statement from the Legalization for All Network (L4A).


By Redacción

Washington D.C. – El anuncio realizado por la Suprema Corte el 23 de junio, destruyó la esperanza de más de 5 millones de padres y madres indocumentadas. El voto de la Suprema Corte quedó dividido en un empate de 4-4, lo que significa que no pudo ser revocada la decisión tomada por el tribunal de primera instancia, que impedía la implementación de los programas DAPA (Acción Diferida para Responsabilidad de los Padres) y la expansión de DACA (Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia).

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By staff

Washington D.C. – On June 23, the Supreme Court made an announcement that crushed the hopes of over 5 million undocumented parents. The Supreme Court split in 4-4 tie vote, meaning that the lower court decision blocking Deferred Action for Parents of American Citizens (DAPA) and the expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programs was not overturned.


By Joe Iosbaker

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Chicago, IL – 1000 people marched in Chicago, May 1, from Union Park to the Haymarket Memorial, and then into downtown Chicago to Trump Towers. The front banners read “Stop the deportations!” “Stop the hate! Stop Trump!” “Yes to DAPA/DACA!” “Yes to legalization!” and “Yes to workers’ rights!”DAPA and DACA refer to President Obama’s executive orders for deferred action – Deferred Action for Parental Accountability, and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.


By Isabella Beaupré

Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES) marches in Milwaukee for favorable ruling

Milwaukee, WI – On April 6, members and affiliates of immigrant rights activist group United We Dream held actions around the country to raise awareness of a significant issue. DACA+ (Deferred Action for Children Arrivals extension) and DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans) will return to the Supreme Court after a delay caused by Justice Scalia’s death in February. As the court date approaches, groups in Albuquerque, Milwaukee, and many other cities are holding actions, making noise and taking the streets in attempts to direct media attention toward the families affected by the measures.


By staff

Protest against Marco Rubio in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN – As Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio made a campaign appearance at the Hyatt hotel in downtown Minneapolis on Feb. 23, immigrant rights activists were there to protest his recent anti-immigrant statements. The protest was organized by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC).


By Legalization For All (L4A)

Legalization for All (L4A) Statement on President Obama’s Deferred Action

Fight Back News Service is circulating this Nov. 20 statement by the Legalization for All (L4A) network.


By staff

Some of the participants at Tampa forum on immigration

Tampa, FL – Over two dozen activists attended a panel discussion here, at the University of South Florida in Tampa. “ Legalization for all, stop the deportations!” read the banner at the front of the room. Professor Masao Suzuki of San Jose, California, an economist and expert on immigration, was the guest speaker.


By Masao Suzuki

San José, CA – On Nov. 19, President Obama stated in an interview at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council that he was willing to go along with the piecemeal approach to immigration reform advocated by Republicans in the House of Representatives. Obama said that he wanted all the parts put forward by the Senate bill, which include legalization, more militarization of the border, expansion of temporary worker programs, expansion of workplace enforcement and shifting legal immigration from family reunification to employment and education-based visas to meet the needs of business.


By Fight Back! Editors

Obama: Issue a deferred action for all undocumented now!

In the first four years of the Obama administration, there were as many deportations of undocumented immigrants as in the eight years of Bush. Deportations under Obama are now on track to hit 2 million by the end of this year.


By Brad Sigal

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Minneapolis, MN – With chants of “Si se puede!” (yes we can!) and “Obama, escucha, estamos en la lucha!” (Obama, listen, we’re in the struggle!), 3000 people marched through Minneapolis for immigrant rights on Oct. 5, a national day of action for immigrant dignity and respect. This was the largest march for immigrant rights in Minneapolis in several years. The protest began at Basilica of St. Mary Church then marched through downtown Minneapolis to Hennepin County Government Plaza (also known as People’s Plaza).

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