Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Ivan Marquez

Ivan Marquez

Agencia Bolivariana de Prensa originally published the following article by Ivan Marquez, of Colombia’s FARC. It was translated by Fight Back! staff.


By Redacción

¡Lucha y Resiste! está circulando el siguiente artículo de Julián Sobogal, que apareció en Semanario Voz, el periódico del Partido Comunista Colombiano.

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By Julian Sobogal

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article by Julian Sobogal, that appeared in Semanario Voz, the newspaper of the Colombian Communist Party. It was translated by Fight Back! staff.


By staff

Washington DC – The Colombian political prisoner Anyaibe Rojas Valderrama, also known as Sonia, was finally released from her 17-year prison sentence on August 18.


By staff

Washington DC – The Colombian political prisoner Anyaibe Rojas Valderrama, also known as Sonia, was finally released from her 17-year prison sentence on August 18.


By staff

Miami Colombians find Uribe and Uncle Sam guilty in mock-trial.

Miami, FL- Around 30 people, largely from the small but well-organized group Progressive Colombians Miami, gathered at the Torch of Friendship in Miami to take part in an international day of action called for by Colombia Humana. The August 7 Day of Action denounced the ongoing right-wing violence in Colombia that is being committed against former guerillas, progressives, human-rights activists, unionists, and farmers by government-supported paramilitaries. Hundreds have died since the supposed peace-deal was signed by now former-president Santos two years ago.


By Sean Orr

Tens of thousands rally in defense of Maduro following the attempt on his life.

Milwaukee, WI – On August 4, an attempt to assassinate Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro was carried out in Caracas. During a ceremony commemorating the anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard, two drones strapped with explosives flew towards the stage and exploded. While Maduro was unharmed, seven soldiers were wounded.


By Meredith Aby

Jennie Eisert speaking on the role of the U.S. in Colombia.

Minneapolis, MN – On August 7, international solidarity and immigrant rights activists protested during rush hour in front of the Federal Building in downtown Minneapolis as a part of an international day of protest to draw attention to the escalating violations of the Colombian peace accords. The peace accords, signed in 2016, are an attempt to end a 52-year civil war in Colombia. The MN protest was one of 83 solidarity protests in 17 countries.


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – On July 16, Colombian paramilitaries with possible connections to the government murdered six social movement leaders. Two of those murdered were union leaders affiliated with the country’s largest union, FENSUAGRO, which organizes agricultural workers. They were brutally beaten to death with rocks. One of them was nearly decapitated and barely recognizable to family. These murders mark an escalation of violence against the left in Colombia since the election of Ivan Duque on June 17, as the political killings have averaged more than one a day. Ivan Duque is the protege of ex-Colombian President Uribe, who oversaw some of the worst state human rights abuses in the war against the FARC.


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

¡Implementar el acuerdo de paz!

Jesús Santrich

La Organización Socialista del Camino para la Libertad (FRSO) exige la libertad inmediata de el negociador de la paz colombiano Jesús Santrich, quien está bajo arresto por una solicitud de extradición de los E.E.U.U.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Implement the Peace Agreement!

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) calls for the immediate release of Colombian peace negotiator Jesús Santrich, who is under arrest pursuant to an extradition request from the U.S.


By staff

New York, New York – On Nov. 16, approximately 30 activists picketed to demand justice for the hundreds of activists, campesinos and community organizers who have been murdered by the Colombian government. In October alone there have been 23 deaths.


By James Jordan

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Oct. 9 statement by the Alliance for Global Justice.


By staff

Fight Back! interviewed John Lugo on Oct. 6. Lugo, originally from Colombia, is a long-time resident of New Haven, Connecticut where he is a community and immigrant rights organizer, helping many, many people from all over the world. He recently returned to Bogota where he saw the results of the ongoing Colombian peace process, and observed the launch event of a new and progressive political party.


By staff

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Call the White House Dec. 14, Free Simon Trinidad!


By Tom Burke

Grand Rapids, MI – On Nov. 2 the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) will meet with the Colombian government in Havana, Cuba to push forward the peace process. This follows the “no” vote on Oct. 2 rejecting the peace agreement. Despite the margin of difference being less than ½%, the “no” vote was a victory for the far right and ex-President Uribe. Uribe and the far right openly oppose reforms and some hope to continue the U.S.-funded war in Colombia.


By National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera

Ricardo Palmera (Simon Trinidad)

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera (Simon Trinidad).


By Meredith Aby

Jennie Eisert, activista con el Comité Antiguerra de Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN – El 21 de julio, la colombiana-americana Jennie Eisert, presentó un conmovido reporte sobre su participación en la delegación enviada por Alliance for Global Justice, para el proceso de paz en Colombia. Eisert estuvo en Colombia en mayo, semanas antes de que el gobierno colombiano y las Fuerzas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejercito Popular (FARC-EP) declararan oficialmente, el 23 de junio, el fin a la guerra de medio siglo.

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By Meredith Aby

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Meredith Aby-Keirstead, of Fight Back! interviews James Jordan, with the Alliance For Global Justice in Tucson, Arizona. Jordan recently returned from the Accompaniment Delegation to Support Colombia’s Peace Process. Fight Back!: Want do Colombian activists say about the prospects for peace?


By Conor Munro

Colombian trade unionist Nidia Quintero speaking in south Florida

Miami, FL – Nidia Quintero, the leader of Colombia’s largest union of agricultural workers (FENSUAGRO), spoke to a crowd of 50 workers and activists at the South Florida AFL-CIO April 8. She came to speak in support of the peace process between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), taking place in Havana, Cuba. Quintero emphasized that a just and lasting peace is crucial for the Colombian labor movement to grow and flourish.

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