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Call the White House Dec. 14, Free Simon Trinidad!

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Call the White House Dec. 14, Free Simon Trinidad!

Wednesday 12/14 8am-5pm EST

Call the White House 202-456- 1111

And say: President Obama, secure the peace in Colombia, Free Simon Trinidad!

Simon Trinidad a leader within the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC). He has been in a US Federal Supermax Prison since 2010 after it took four trials to find some bogus conviction. Trinidad is one of the FARC's most talented leaders and probably has the best understanding of how to form a political party and run elections. Freeing Trinidad and having him tour Colombia, campaigning and speaking to crowds of supporters and the curious would advance the peace process tremendously. By keeping Trinidad in a US prison, the Obama administration holds peace back and encouraged the belligerent right-wingers who fear contested elections.

The Obama administration should free Simon Trinidad as a real gesture of peace from the US towards the people of Colombia. Trinidad is one of the few survivors of the UP (Patriotic Union), the leftist party that ran for office in the 1980s and 1990’s, but suffered almost 5000 assassinations by government death squads. That was why Trinidad gave up his life as a professor and politician and joined the FARC at the age of 37. Now, Trinidad can help the FARC and people’s movements navigate how to make change in a new Colombia.

Support Peace in Colombia!

The Colombian Congress voted overwhelmingly to accept the Peace Agreement. President Santos has told the US that he welcomes the release of Simon Trinidad. Organizations who have supported the approved Peace Agreement: UN, Organization of American States (OAS), USA, and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

De-list the FARC!

Decisions to remove the FARC from terror lists have been made by the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom's Parliament. These are not only important symbolic gestures but actually frees up $600 million in post-conflict aid money from the EU. The US government needs to follow suit and Drop the FARC from the list of terrorist organizations. This will facilitate the release of Simon Trinidad and secure the peace for Colombia.

Wednesday 12/14 8am-5pm EST

Call the White House 202-456- 1111

And say: President Obama: secure the peace in Colombia, Free Simon Trinidad!

#WashingtonDC #Colombia #RicardoPalmera #SimónTrinidad #PoliticalPrisoners

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