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Miami Colombians find Uribe guilty in mock-trial

By staff

Miami Colombians find Uribe and Uncle Sam guilty in mock-trial.

Miami, FL- Around 30 people, largely from the small but well-organized group Progressive Colombians Miami, gathered at the Torch of Friendship in Miami to take part in an international day of action called for by Colombia Humana. The August 7 Day of Action denounced the ongoing right-wing violence in Colombia that is being committed against former guerillas, progressives, human-rights activists, unionists, and farmers by government-supported paramilitaries. Hundreds have died since the supposed peace-deal was signed by now former-president Santos two years ago.

The Miami event was one of over 83 that took place in 17 countries across the globe. For their part, the Miami activists decided to use the opportunity to inform the public of the atrocities being committed against progressives in Colombia by acting out an original play entitled, El Juicio del Desjuiciado, or The Trial of the Demented.

The play was a mock trial of former-president-and-senator Alvaro Uribe. The activists represented various groups that have been victimized by the government and paramilitaries in Colombia, acting out their suffering and exposing Uribe’s guilt in the current situation. “Uncle Sam” also testified and admitted his guilt in the violence, even putting red paint on his hands to represent the blood of innocents. At the end of the 30-minute long street theater, the man playing Uribe was found “guilty of all counts” and was dragged away in a bright orange prison uniform, as the crowd yelled, “Culpable!”

The mock-trial was an original and engaging way to explain the history of Colombia, the reasons behind the ongoing violence there, and why a real peace must be achieved for the people of Colombia and the world.

#MiamiFL #AntiwarMovement #Colombia #Americas #AlvaroUribe #ProgressiveColombiansMiami #ColombiaHumana

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