Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

“Foreclose the war, not people's homes”

Jenny Eiserts speaking from the steps of Rosemary Williams' home

Minneapolis, MN – The Twin Cites peace movement organized a rally under the call of “Foreclose the war, not people’s homes, ” Aug. 27 to show support for Minneapolis homeowner Rosemary Williams and her fight against foreclosure and eviction. More than 50 people demanded a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions and for the billions being spent on U.S. wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan to be used instead to keep people in their homes.


By Redacción

Cientos de miles marchan en Washington D.C.

Washington D.C. – 300,000 marcharon aquí el 24 de septiembre en contra de la guerra y la ocupación de Irak. La gran cantidad de gente que vino a la marcha sorprendió a los organizadores. En la protesta anti-guerra más grande en Washington D.C. desde la época de la guerra en Vietnam, los manifestantes gritaron “¡No sangre por petróleo! ¡EEUU fuera de Irak!” Muchos tomaron fotos de amigos y familiares con consignas anti-guerra frente a la casa blanca.

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By Kim DeFranco

Una muchedumbre con pancartas en la marcha anti-guerra en Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. – Decenas de miles de personas se manifestaron el 29 de septiembre para rechazar el impulso de guerra y la ola de violencia en contra de los Arabes y los musulmanes que esta ha desencadenado.

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By Anh Pham

Manifestación el 11 de marzo

Minneapolis, MN – Más de 70 personas cargaban letreros y gritaban “No meterse en Colombia, ya pare el ayuda militar!” el sábado, 11 de Marzo. Conductores saludaron la protesta con pitos y manos en alto demostrando su apoyo, en la intersección ocupada de la área de hacer compras en Uptown.

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By staff

Denounce “the tight grip of the Israeli occupation of Palestine”

A photo of Katrina Plotz and Sarah Martin at the press conference.

Bloomington, MN – Israeli security forces refused entry to three U.S. solidarity activists for attempting to participate in a human rights delegation organized by the Palestine Solidarity Group. Sarah Martin, member of Women Against Military Madness, and Katrina Plotz, of the Anti-War Committee, refused voluntary deportation and were forcibly deported Sunday evening, August 2. It was an emotional reunion at the airport on Monday afternoon, as Martin and Plotz were greeted with cheers and embraces by dozens of friends and supporters, carrying signs reading “Free Palestine!” and “End the occupation!”


By staff

Voices from the protest

These are statements from some of the many people who will protest against the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, MN on September 1-4, 2008.


By mick

Minneapolis, MN – Activists planning protests at the Republican National Convention packed a city hall conference room here, Aug. 8, to blast a proposed ordinance that would place big restrictions on the right to demonstrate. Deb Konechne of the Welfare Rights Committee told members of the city government’s ‘Free Speech Working Group’ that the proposal was trash.


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis, MN - The Bush administration pretends that the U.S. efforts to occupy Iraq are going smoothly. Bush acts like his 'peace plan' for the Middle East is popular. Meanwhile, activists here are continuing to organize against the U.S. efforts to occupy the Middle East.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Two hundred people gathered here Nov. 8 to protest the U.S. attack on the Iraqi resistance in Fallujah. Chanting, “The people of Fallujah are under attack! What do we do? Stand up, fight back!” the enthusiastic crowd cheered as cars honking in support drove by. Demonstrations are taking place all over the word in response to these latest moves by the U.S. military.


By staff

Minneapolis protest against Iraqi elections

Minneapolis, MN – About 100 people demonstrated here Jan. 29 to oppose the occupation and fake elections in Iraq. Similar protests took place around the country.