Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Alan Dale

Minneapolis, MN - On Saturday, Mar. 19 over 1500 people participated in a Minneapolis anti-war demonstration, under the call, “ U.S. troops…out now!”


By Tom Burke

Hundreds of Thousands March against War in Iraq

Washington, DC - 300,000 rallied and marched here, Sept. 24, to oppose the continuing U.S. war and occupation in Iraq, a turnout stunning even the organizers. In the largest anti-war protest in Washington D.C. since the Vietnam era, marchers at the White House chanted, “No blood for oil! U.S. out of Iraq!” Many took pictures of friends or family holding anti-war signs in front of the empty White House.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN - More than 125 community and student activists attended A Conference for Iraq, Information to Resist Another Quagmire. The keynote address was given by Sami Rasouli, a long-time peace activist who has returned home to Iraq, to try to rebuild peace, in the face of U.S. occupation.


By Anti-War Committee

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following announcement  from the Anti-war Committee for their press conference on Monday August 3:


By Katrina Plotz

Minneapolis, MN – The Anti-War Committee and the Anti-War Organizing League co-sponsored a lively protest here, Nov. 15, to voice opposition to U.S. wars in the Middle East and to challenge the presence of United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) on the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus.


By staff

_Please forward – Take action today _

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Twin Cities-based Anti-War Committee (


By Meredith Aby

This is a photo of a protest at Flagstaff, AZ.

On Tax Day, April 15, activists around the country took part in the Colombia Action Network's third national day of action this year. The April 15 protest brought attention to the human rights crisis that U.S. military aid is creating in Colombia. In Colombia, an average of three trade unionists are murdered each week. The U.S. counter-insurgency program, 'Plan Colombia,' and the new 'Andean Initiative' is arming, training and directing the war in Colombia using U.S. taxpayers' money.


By Matt Haas and Jill Lipski

Civil disobedience in Minneapolis

Minneapolis, MN - 14 demonstrators were arrested here, May 15, after committing civil disobedience in solidarity with the Palestinians of Jenin. The demonstration, called by the Anti-War Committee, slammed U.S. funding of the Israeli military and demanded justice for the Palestinians massacred by the Israeli army in the Jenin refugee camp.


By Fight Back! Editors

A bombed apartment building in Gaza

The Internationals for Justice delegation visited Palestine from Aug. 7 to Aug. 21. Fight Back! conducted the following interview with Meredith Aby, Katie Bonn and Anh Pham, three members of the Minnesota-based Anti-War Committee who participated in the delegation. The delegation traveled throughout historic Palestine, particularly the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, as well as the 48 territories, which are also called Israel.


By Brad Sigal

Crowd repeatedly tear gassed, 396 arrested as police pull out all stops to prevent anti-war march from reaching Xcel Center

Protesters stopped by line of riot police.

St. Paul, MN – On the final day of the Republican National Convention, Sept. 4, over 1000 protesters took to the streets to deliver a strong anti-war message while John McCain was speaking. The march was initiated by the Twin Cities-based Anti-War Committee, with the theme, “No peace for the war-makers.”