Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

St. Paul, MN – On May 18, as news reports stated that 1000 U.S. military deaths had occurred in Afghanistan, over 70 people joined a Saint Paul protest at the office of U.S. Representative Betty McCollum to demand that she vote against a $33 billion request for additional funding for the war in Afghanistan.


By Jess Sundin

At the University of Minnesota over 50 people protested at the campus ROTC

Minneapolis, MN – Morning rush hour drivers into downtown Minneapolis were greeted by several banners across the interstates reading, “Jobs not war” and “Recruiters lie people die.” This was the start of Zero Recruitment Day (ZRD), where more than 150 people protested at six military recruiting sites in Minnesota.


By staff

Marching against wars and occupations March 20

Minneapolis, MN – Over 600 people joined a Minneapolis anti-war march and rally on Saturday, March 20, to mark the seventh anniversary of the start of the U.S. war in Iraq with a call for an end to the wars and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.


By staff

Out of Afghanistan now

Protesters in front of Klobuchar's office

Minneapolis, MN – About 75 people gathered here at the offices of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar, Feb. 18, to protest a new escalation of the war in Afghanistan. U.S. and NATO forces have launched an attack on the city of Marjah, a city with over 80,000 residents. Following the dispatch of thousands of additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan, the attack on Marjah represents a new and bloody escalation.


By staff

Anti-war protesters at the office of U.S. Representative Betty McCollum

St. Paul, MN – Anti-war protesters gathered at the office of U.S. Representative Betty McCollum here, Dec. 17, to say to no to the war on Afghanistan and to oppose any new taxes to pay for the war. Rep. McCollum supports President Obama's call to send an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. In addition, she has proposed a 1% tax increase to pay for this war. The event was organized by the Twin Cities-based Anti-War Committee.


By staff

Anti War Committee banner at December 5 Protest says "Stop the Surge"

Minneapolis, MN – More than 200 people joined a demonstration here, Dec. 5, to show opposition to the escalation of the U.S. war in Afghanistan announced by President Obama.


By staff

banner reads "No more troops in Afghanistan"

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds marched here Dec. 2 to protest the escalation of the war in Afghanistan. Along the march route, protesters cheered for a 14-foot long banner hung by members of the Anti-War Committee high up in a parking garage. The banner was still hanging two hours later, when marchers returned with more cheers.


By staff

Twin Cities peace movement responds to Obama’s West Point speech

Meredith Aby, of the Twin City based Anti War Committee at the press conference

Minneapolis, MN — At a packed press conference here Dec. 1, leaders of the Twin Cities peace movement responded to President Obama’s announcement that 30,000 more troops are being dispatched to Afghanistan. Representatives of a spectrum of peace groups came together to watch President Obama’s national televised speech and responded by demanding that U.S. troops get out of Afghanistan now.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The U.S./NATO military commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, submitted a report to the Obama administration stating that more U.S. military forces must be sent to Afghanistan. In a Sept. 22 press conference, Twin Cites anti-war groups spoke out against the proposed escalation of the war and announced plans for demonstrations this fall against the war in Afghanistan and the continuing occupation of Iraq.


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis, MN – Anti-war activists from across the Twin Cities gathered at Rosemary Williams’s house, Aug. 27, to say “Foreclose the wars! Not people’s homes!”