Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Subpoenas, Searches, and FBI visits carried out in cities across the country

We denounce the Federal Bureau of Investigation harassment of anti-war and solidarity activists in several states across the country. The FBI began turning over six houses in Chicago and Minneapolis this morning, Friday, September 24, 2010, at 8:00 am central time. The FBI handed subpoenas to testify before a federal grand jury to about a dozen activists in Illinois, Minnesota, and Michigan. They also attempted to intimidate activists in California and North Carolina.


By staff

Minnesota activists protest against anti-muslim prejudice on September 11.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 200 people came together for a rally here, Sept. 11 to speak out against a wave of anti-Muslim bigotry that has spread across the U.S. This included the threatened Qur’an burning in Gainesville Florida. The event also called for an end to U.S. wars and occupations being carried out in the name of ‘fighting terrorism.’


By staff

Say “No!” to anti-Muslim bigotry, racism against Arabs, and war!

Minneapolis, MN – Peace, social justice and other organizations will hold a rally on Sept. 11 in Minneapolis, on the anniversary of the 2001 attacks in New York and Washington D.C., to speak out against a wave of anti-Muslim bigotry that has spread across the U.S. in recent weeks. The event will also call for an end to U.S. wars and occupations being carried out in the name of ‘fighting terrorism.’


By mick

Meredith Aby (center) speaking at press conference

Minneapolis, MN – Leaders of the Twin Cites Peace and Justice movement blasted city government at a press conference here, Aug. 27, in front of the Minneapolis City Hall.


By mick

Twin Cities anti-war activists announce march route for protest of Democratic Na

Minneapolis, MN – At an Aug. 9 press conference in front of Minneapolis City Hall, leaders of the Twin Cities peace and justice movement announced the route for the massive anti-war march that will take place if the Democratic National Convention (DNC) is held in that city. Activists had the march permits in hand, ready to be presented to city officials.


By Meredith Aby

Protest outside of AIPAC meeting at University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN – About 100 anti-war activists protested outside of the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) annual meeting at the University of Minnesota on June 30 to oppose the U.S. unconditional support for Israel. The Coalition for Palestinian Rights organized the protest. This protest was a part of a series of protests organized in response to the massacre of the Gaza flotilla Memorial Day weekend.


By staff

Antiwar speaker from IVAW at rally against Afghanistan war

On Thursday, anti-war activists protested at Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office to demonstrate against the Obama administration’s escalating war in Afghanistan. The Anti-War Committee of Minneapolis-St. Paul organized the protest.


By staff

Protest in Minneapolis of Israeli massacre of Freedom Flotilla activists

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 protesters gathered here, June 12, to condemn the Israeli massacre on human rights activists bringing aid to Gaza and to demand an end to the blockade of Gaza.


By staff

Mick Kelly, the editor of Fight Back! newspaper and Meredith Aby, a leader of th

Minneapolis, MN – Anti-war activists gathered here at May Day Books, June 6, for an anti-war event titled “New War Crisis in Korea?” The featured speakers were Mick Kelly, the editor of Fight Back! newspaper and Meredith Aby, a leader of the Anti-War Committee. The event was sponsored by May Day Books and the Anti-War Committee.


By staff

Protesters line the streets to condemn Israeli killings on Freedom Flotilla ship

Minneapolis, MN – More than 200 people gathered here, June 1, at the office of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar, to protest the Israeli murders of pro-Palestine activists who were bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza.