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FRSO funding drive surpasses $40K as of May Day!

By mick

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Minneapolis, MN – Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s Spring fundraising drive has brought in more than $40,000 as of May 1, International Workers Day. Given the rapid increase in FRSO membership, plans are being made to establish a national office with full-time staff.

FRSO Organizational Secretary Tom Burke states, “Revolutionaries are called on to make many contributions to advance the struggle. We give our time, energy, and yes – money – to do what we need to do to achieve liberation and socialism. Now is time for all of us to do what we can to help FRSO make a leap forward.”

A major online fundraising event, featuring FRSO Political Secretary Steff Yorek and Frank Chapman, a leader of the Black Liberation movement and a member of the Central Committee of FRSO, is set for May 7. To attend, go to

You can contribute today by going to and hitting donate.

#MinneapolisMN #PeoplesStruggles #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganization #frso #Socialism

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