Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

La Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad condena la continua agresión respaldada por los Estados Unidos contra Siria. El presidente Bashar al-Assad fue obligado a huir del país y ahora se encuentra exiliado en Moscú. Lo que está claro es que el gobierno sirio ha colapsado. Este ataque flagrante contra la soberanía siria es parte de un esfuerzo más amplio – por parte de los imperialistas occidentales, Israel y las fuerzas reaccionarias en la región – para derrotar al Eje de Resistencia, que lucha por la liberación de Palestina y para poner fin al control estadounidense en la región.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the ongoing U.S.-backed aggression against Syria. President Bashar Al-Assad has been forced to flee the country, and now sits in exile in Moscow. What is clear is that the Syrian government has collapsed. This blatant assault on Syrian sovereignty is part of a larger effort – by Western imperialists, Israel and reactionary forces in the region – to defeat the Axis of Resistance, which is fighting for the liberation of Palestine and to end U.S. control in the region.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following December 9 statement from the MN Anti-War Committee.

The government of Syria led by President Bashar al-Assad has collapsed. This upheaval has major implications for the struggle against U.S. imperialism and Israeli aggression in the region. Regardless of who leads Syria, the Anti-War Committee remains opposed to interference in Syria by the United States, Israel, and their imperialist allies.

Israel has occupied and illegally settled Syria’s Golan Heights since 1967, and is already using Syria’s instability to expand its so-called “buffer zone,” while continuing its bombing raids in Syria. Israel seeks to pressure Syria into accepting the theft of the Golan Heights and normalizing relations. It also may have its eye on expanding its occupation in Syria for future Zionist settlement.

As part of its support for Israel, the United States has been working to weaken and destabilize Syria for years. The U.S. has openly backed certain factions in Syria since at least 2012, with the now-declassified “Timber Sycamore” weapons smuggling operation led by the CIA, and the “Syrian Train and Equip” program led by the Pentagon. The U.S. has economically sanctioned Syria since 1979 when it first labeled the country as a “state sponsor of terrorism.” In 2020, brutal new U.S. sanctions devastated Syria’s financial, energy and construction sectors, severely limiting access to electricity and basic humanitarian goods for millions of Syrians, while harming reconstruction efforts. And since 2015, the U.S. military has directly had boots on the ground in Syria, notably occupying Syria’s oil fields.

Some are celebrating what they see as the fall of a repressive tyrant. Others are mourning the collapse of a bulwark of resistance to Israel, with Syria providing a crucial supply line for resistance groups in neighboring Lebanon as well as Gaza. In any case, we know Israel sees Assad’s downfall as a victory, and is already eagerly taking advantage of the situation with an unchecked onslaught of attacks on Syria.

Ultimately, it’s not yet clear what political forces will shape the new Syria. From our perspective of international solidarity against Israel’s expanding genocide in the Levant, we hope any new government that emerges is able to resist U.S./Israeli attacks, and continues Syria’s support for the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine.

We encourage our followers to remain committed to the principles of anti-imperialism, sovereignty and independence for all nations, and steadfast, united opposition to the U.S.-backed Zionist project.

#International #Syria #AntiWarMovement #Palestine #MNAWC

By Jim Byrne

Tucson, Arizona protest demands end to U.S./ Israeli attacks on Syria. | Fight Back! News/staff

Tucson, AZ – On Monday April 1, 15 Palestine solidarity activists braved the cold spring rain in response to Israel’s latest deadly airstrikes into Syria and Lebanon. The Tucson Anti War Committee (TAWC) organized the protest at the Davis Monthan Air Force Base to condemn the U.S. escalation of its war in the Middle East and the recent decision to send 2500 more bombs and 25 more fighter jets to Israel.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the massive airstrikes unleashed by the U.S. on Syria and Iraq. The Biden administration say this bombing campaign is just getting started. It should be opposed by everyone who wants peace with justice.

The Biden administration justifies its criminal attacks as some sort of legitimate “retaliation.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that the U.S. has military bases in Iraq that Iraqi people want gone. The U.S. is also illegally occupying portions of Syria. The Syrian government has told the U.S. to leave its soil on many occasions. An unwelcome invader of the other people’s homes, the warmakers of Washington, D.C. play the aggrieved party when resistance forces try to end these occupations. The hypocrisy of empire is unbelievable.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions.


By Wyatt Miller

Wyatt Miller (fourth from left) with solidarity delegation in Damascus meeting w

Adapted from a presentation given at a Solidarity Committee of the Americas event in Minneapolis, Minnesota on February 11.


By staff

According to a Syrian Arab New Agency December 30 report, Alida Guevara, daughter of Ernesto Che Guevara, condemned the Western-backed terrorist attacks against Syria.


By staff

Iraqi-American activist Sami Rasouli speaks at the peace vigil on June 30.

St. Paul, MN – Around 30 people lined the busy Lake Street-Marshall Avenue bridge over the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and Saint Paul, June 30, to protest the latest U.S. airstrikes in Iraq and Syria. The action was called by Women Against Military Madness and supported by the Anti-War Committee, the Minnesota Peace Action Coalition and other local groups. Peace vigils have been held at the bridge every Wednesday for over 20 years, regardless of weather.


By staff

Fight Back! interviewed two activists who recently traveled to Syria to provide an eyewitness account of the U.S. war there. Kobi Guillory is a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization and a co-chair of the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. Wyatt Miller is an activist with the Minnesota-based Anti-War Committee.


By International Delegation to the 2021 Syrian Presidential Election

International delegation in Syria to observe elections.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from election observers who traveled to Syria.


By Kobi Guillory

Abeer Ali Naif’s rebuilt home in Yarmouk camp, Damascus.

Damascus, Syria – Enormous piles of rubble and trash line the streets of the Yarmouk refugee camp in south-central Damascus in late May, 2021. Most structures bear reminders of the war: bullet holes, sandbags, the fading graffiti of various factions. Some buildings have collapsed entirely. Stray cats and dogs roam the eerie, quiet streets.


By Kobi Guillory

Syrians celebrated elections.

Damascus, Syria – On Wednesday, May 26, election day in Syria, crowds flocked to polling places to cast their votes. A delegation of observers from the U.S., South Africa, France and Palestine visited polling locations east of Damascus in the war-torn Ghouta region to witness the voting and celebrations taking place. Occupied by U.S. and Saudi-backed contras for over six years, civilians there were unable to vote in the last presidential election, and many more have only recently returned to finally rebuild their homes. Within Ghouta, the delegation observed voting in the town of Arbin and the city of Douma.


By staff

Douma, Syria.

Douma, Syria – On Tuesday, May 25, one day before the Syrian election, an international delegation, which includes a number of observers from the U.S., visited the war-torn cities of Douma and Jobar just outside Damascus. The observers viewed tunnel networks used by terrorists during the six-year occupation of the city and spoke to residents who had returned after the city was liberated in 2018 by the Syrian Arab Army.


By Wyatt Miller

The solidarity delegation meeting with former Syrian ambassador to the United Na

Damascus, Syria – On May 23, an international solidarity delegation arrived in Syria to observe elections set to take place on Wednesday, May 26, when voters will decide the next president of the Syrian Arab Republic.


By staff

Minneapolis protest against U.S. attack on Syria.

Minneapolis, MN – Well over 50 people attended an emergency protest in Minneapolis on Saturday, February 27, to speak out against the Biden administration bombing of targets in Syria two days earlier.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns in the strongest possible terms the February 25 attack launched by the Biden administration on Syria. There is nothing that can justify this cowardly move and it will be opposed by all who stand for peace with justice.


By staff

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reports Israel launched an attack on Syria, November 18. Citing a military source, SANA states “at about 03:11 a.m. on Wednesday, the Israeli enemy launched an aerial aggression from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan that targeted the southern region as the Syrian air defenses confronted it and downed a number of rockets.”


By staff

According to Iran’s authoritative FARS News Agency, several rockets exploded on Tuesday, August 18 at a U.S. military base north of Syria’s Deir Ezzur province. The base is located near the Conoco oil field controlled by American troops.


By staff

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Caracas, Venezuela – Members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) delegation Sarah Martin and Jim Byrne, with Syrian Ambassador to Venezuela Khalil Bitar, attending World Anti-Imperialist Congress in Caracas.

#CaracasVenezuela #Caracas #AntiwarMovement #OppressedNationalities #Venezuela #MiddleEast #Americas #PeoplesStruggles #Syria #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganizationFRSO #WorldAntiImperialistCongress