Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Chicago, IL – Members of the Chicago Teachers Union and their supporters hit the picket lines today, April 1, in a huge one day strike. Picket lines and protests against attacks on public education are taking place across the city.

#ChicagoIL #strike #ChicagoTeachersUnion #Strikes #TeachersUnions

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Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds of workers, members of SEIU Local 26, rallied Feb. 17, as janitors walked off the job in a 24-hour unfair labor practices strike. The janitors clean the skyscrapers in downtown Minneapolis and Saint Paul and office buildings throughout the suburbs. The strike comes after months of negotiations in which management companies have refused to budge on key issues for the union. The company wage offer is only 20 additional cents an hour and management is only offering to create part-time jobs. The union is pushing for a $15 minimum for all janitors and full-time work with livable wages.

#MinneapolisMN #SEIU #strike #SEIULocal26 #janitors #Strikes

By Brad Sigal

PAME brings aid to striking workers

Thessaloniki, Greece – Workers of ZOURAS Food Industry who have been on strike since Nov. 14 received solidarity from around the world at a rally and workers' assembly on Dec. 6. The workers are demanding a collective bargaining agreement, back pay and the rehiring of laid off workers.


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Kohler, WI – Thousands from around the state joined the Kohler picket line this weekend, Nov. 21-22, ending the first week of a strike by 2100 Kohler employees.


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Kohler workers on the picket line.

Kohler, WI – Over 1000 Kohler workers and supporters kicked off their first full day on strike, Nov. 16, marching around the company facility and reportedly delaying non-union employees. The last strike at Kohler was more than 30 years ago.


By Kas Schwerdtfeger

Milwaukee, WI – On Nov. 15, at 9:00 a.m., about 2100 workers of Kohler Co., represented by United Auto Workers Local 883 in Kohler, Wisconsin voted by a 93.4% margin to strike, with about 1800 members voting. The strike started Nov. 15. The facility is shuttered and not operational.


By staff

Sacramento, CA – Leaders of the California Faculty Association (CFA) announced Nov. 4 that 94% of the members who voted have authorized a strike. “Together, and in solidarity with students, staff and allies, we are powerful. We are ready to act if necessary and for as long as it takes,” said CFA President Jennifer Eagan.


By Andrew Urban

Striking Milwaukee bus drivers march

Milwaukee, WI – Around 150 members and supporters of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 998, the union of Milwaukee's bus drivers, protested outside Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele's $2.1 million downtown condominium, July 3. The protest was initiated by the United Workers Organization, a group of young rank-and-file union activists that was formed during the fight against ‘right to work’ earlier this year.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – Milwaukee Country bus drivers, members of Amalgamated Transit Union 998, voted overwhelmingly to reject their contract and strike, June 29.


By J Burger

USW Local 7-1 hits the picket lines against unsafe BP

USW Local 7-1 president Dave Danko speaking on strike issues.

Whiting, IN – At midnight, Feb. 7, 1100 workers at the BP refinery here went on an Unfair Labor Practice strike, citing the company’s poor record at keeping workers safe on the job. Steelworkers Local 7-1 joins the picket lines today as does the local union in Toledo, Ohio, bringing the total to over 5000 nationwide on strike as of today.