Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Tom Burke

By Tom Burke

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Caracas, Venezuela—A Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) delegation visited the Bolivarian University of Venezuela on January 20, speaking to political science classes.


By Tom Burke

Milwaukee, WI – El 3 de octubre, docenas de grupos y activistas en Milwaukee están organizando una manifestación para exigir un permiso para una marcha afuera la Convención Nacional Demócrata. Hasta ahora, el alcalde de Milwaukee, Tom Barrett, les niega el permiso a los activistas locales. Otros políticos y empresarios adinerados están cayendo sobre sí mismos prometiendo cerrar calles, interrumpir los horarios de trabajo y gastar decenas de millones de dólares en la celebración de la Convención Democrática. Sin embargo, a las personas locales se les niega un permiso de protesta para expresar sus problemas.

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By Tom Burke

GM strikers on the picket line.

Wyoming, MI – On day 20 of their strike, workers waved “UAW on strike!” signs as they walked back and forth, October 5. Six groups of determined United Auto Workers of Local 167 stood outside and blocked entrances at the enormous General Motors (GM) plant in Wyoming, a working-class Michigan town. A total of 46,000 union strikers are out 24 hours a day, seven days a week, across the United States. GM is losing millions of dollars while negotiations with the UAW continue.


By Tom Burke

Black Panther Party Cubz Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. speaks at site of People's Ch

Chicago, IL – A standing room only crowd filled the Holy Covenant United Methodist Church on September 29 to commemorate Reverend Bruce Johnson and Eugenia Johnson. The reverend and his wife Eugenia were remembered for supporting the Young Lords and their role in the struggle against poverty, war and oppression. They were savagely murdered in their own home 50 years ago, stabbed to death, during a U.S. government campaign of repression known as COINTELPRO or the Counterintelligence Program.


By Tom Burke

Tom Burke, FRSO Organizational Secretary with Alfredo Valdivieso

Caracas, Venezuela – The closing event of the 25th Foro de Sao Paulo (Sal Paulo Forum) on July 28 began with a speech by Monica Valente, the Executive Secretary of the Foro de Sao Paulo and the International Secretary of the Workers Party of Brazil. The next speaker was Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel, leading up to a spirited speech by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.


By Tom Burke

ATU Local 1093 President Earl Cox leads chants at the Kalamazoo Transportation C

Kalamazoo, MI – The Kalamazoo County Transportation Authority abruptly canceled their meeting on July 8, leaving 40 bus drivers and union supporters wondering, “What is really happening?” The bus drivers, members of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1093, decided to do what they do best, and took it to the streets, chanting, “What do we want? Contract! When do we want it? Now!”


By Tom Burke

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Washington D.C. – The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is building for a rally and march against U.S. wars and racism in Washington D.C. this Saturday, March 30.


By Tom Burke

Grand Rapids, MI – Excitement is building among trade unionists and community activists in Grand Rapids, about an upcoming event where labor negotiator and author Joe Burns will speak. Michigan is a so-called ‘right to work’ state, where labor unions are struggling to maintain their membership and power.


By Tom Burke

Outrage that cop called ex-Marine ‘loco’

Grand Rapids, MI protest demands end to police and ICE collaboration.

Grand Rapids, MI – The Grand Rapids Police Department was caught lying and covering up for Captain Curt VanderKooi this week. VanderKooi racially profiled an ex-Marine and contacted ICE to detain him in November 2018. The recent Grand Rapids police investigation claims VanderKooi contacted ICE out of concern for possible ‘terrorism.’


By Tom Burke

Michigan community demands disability rights.

Wyoming, MI – Discrimination against a two-year-old girl with a disability brought close to 150 people to Rogers Plaza Town Center for “Walking with Claire” on January 27.


By Tom Burke

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Grand Rapids, Michigan – Cars honked and people shouted, “Get rid of Trump!” as anti-war protesters held signs on a busy street corner, Jan 25, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The protester’s signs read, “Trump! Hands off Venezuela!”


By Tom Burke

Women's March in Grand Rapids, MI.

Grand Rapids, MI – About 500 people rallied and marched thru Grand Rapids, January 19, to build resistance to Trump during the 2019 Women’s March. The women’s movement in West Michigan hosted leaders from the immigrant rights, African American freedom, student and labor movements.


By Tom Burke

Marching for immigrant rights in Grand Rapids. MI.

Grand Rapids, MI – Nearly 1000 immigrant rights supporters marched over three miles to downtown Grand Rapids. Mexican, Central American and Caribbean mothers and fathers pushed babies in strollers and young people chanted in unison, demanding immigration reform from Trump and the U.S. Congress.


By Tom Burke

Protest against Trump's attack on DACA in Grand Rapids, MI.

Grand Rapids, MI – In response to President Trump's attack on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) 600 immigrants and their supporters marched and rallied in Grand Rapids. Youth and students impacted by Trump's decision led the march with a large banner demanding, “Dignity, respect, and permanent protection,” and “Dignidad, respeto, y proteccion permanente,” in Spanish.


By Tom Burke

Transit workers stand up to union busting in Grand Rapids, MI.

Grand Rapids, MI — Union bus drivers gathered 40 people at the West Michigan Labor Fest, Sept. 4, to confront Mayor Rosalyn Bliss of Grand Rapids about her role in union busting. Mayor Bliss was set to speak at the nearby kickoff of the Labor Day bridge walk. That is, until a group of ATU Local 836 bus drivers and their supporters emerged from the crowd of walkers and confronted Bliss. They chanted, “Union busting is disgusting!” Bliss quickly moved back into the waiting walkers.


By Tom Burke

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Detroit, MI – Palestinian American icon Rasmea Odeh made her final court appearance in Detroit on August 17. Odeh knew the sentence before she arrived. The defense and prosecution agreed to a sentence of removal from the U.S., and Judge Gerswhin Drain approved. Odeh was looking forward to making her public statement before the court.


By Tom Burke

![ATU Local 836 bus drivers resist union busting.]( “ATU Local 836 bus drivers resist union busting. ATU Local 836 bus drivers resist union busting.

Photo credit: Jeff Smith”)

Grand Rapids, Michigan – Upset they still do not have a union contract after two years, ATU Local 836 bus drivers forced west Michigan politicians to end a press conference early. Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalyn Bliss, a Democrat, and several suburban mayors are refusing to negotiate a union contract with the bus drivers that serve their communities.


By Tom Burke

Chicago, IL – John Coli, president of Joint Council 25 of the Teamsters Union, was indicted July 12 on federal charges that he extorted $100,000 in cash from a local business.


By Tom Burke

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Grand Rapids, MI – Members and staff of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 951 are picketing the entrance to Pearson Foods on July 6. Pearson is in violation of fair labor practices and is interfering with workers’ union membership. UFCW filed unfair labor practice charges against Pearson Foods.


By Tom Burke

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Grand Rapids, MI – Between 500 and 600 people protested President Trump's Muslim travel ban at Gerald R. Ford International Airport in West Michigan. The protesters stretched for a quarter mile along the busy entrance road to the airport at 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 29.

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