Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Tom Burke

By Tom Burke

Grand Rapids, MI – On Nov. 2 the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) will meet with the Colombian government in Havana, Cuba to push forward the peace process. This follows the “no” vote on Oct. 2 rejecting the peace agreement. Despite the margin of difference being less than ½%, the “no” vote was a victory for the far right and ex-President Uribe. Uribe and the far right openly oppose reforms and some hope to continue the U.S.-funded war in Colombia.


By Tom Burke

ATU members and supporters protest Grand Rapids area transit board

Grand Rapids, MI – 30 union bus drivers and their supporters rallied outside the meeting of the Interurban Transit Partnership – also known as the Rapids Board – the afternoon of Aug. 31, demanding a decent contract in negotiations. The board spent the past year attacking the bus drivers’ union and its leaders instead of dealing fairly with them.


By Tom Burke

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Detroit, MI – Over 100 supporters of Rasmea Odeh chanted her name in excitement as she emerged from the Federal Court Building in downtown Detroit on June 13. The crowd could see on Odeh’s face that she had good news. Slightly embarrassed by all the attention,she eventually waved for supporters to cross the street and join her for a press conference.


By Tom Burke

The Student Commission of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) met recently to discuss building the student movement into a force for change. The students made plans to organize with their friends in Students for a Democratic Society and other student groups, while recruiting more young revolutionaries to the FRSO.


By Tom Burke

Tampa, FL – Tampa anti-war activist Jessica Schwartz says a family member handed her an FBI agent’s card. The card was stuck in the front door of the family home and belonged to FBI Special Agent A. Brett Fears.


By Tom Burke

Lily Obando

As the Colombian peace process enters its final months of negotiations, the Colombian government set Liliany (Lily) Obando free the week of Jan. 22. Obando is a leading and renowned human rights defender. While in prison, Lily Obando never ceased to raise her voice in protest against the ongoing and systemic violations of human rights by the INPEC (Colombian prisons administration), and turned the prison into a place of struggle.


By Tom Burke

Rev. Osagyefo Sekou and Rasmea Odeh.

Chicago, IL – The Chicago Teachers Union invited Rev. Osagyefo Sekou as their guest of honor and keynote speaker for a Martin Luther King, Jr. breakfast on Friday, Jan. 15. Reverend Sekou became well known across the country when he travelled to Ferguson during the rebellion in August 2014, after the murder of Mike Brown. He defended the movement, and especially the youth, in their opposition to the militarized police repression.


By Tom Burke

Grand Rapids, MI protest against Donald Trump

Grand Rapids, MI – Wall Street politician Donald Trump was expecting a friendly reception at the Deltaplex Arena on the outskirts of a Grand Rapids industrial park. Instead Trump faced the largest protest seen at a Republican campaign rally in Grand Rapids for more than a generation.


By Tom Burke

Grand Rapids, MI – Twenty people gathered at a busy West Michigan street corner holding signs that read, “Stop war, not refugees!” and “Refugees are welcome here,” featuring an image of the Statue of Liberty. They gathered in response to Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s anti-refugee comments.


By Tom Burke

SDS and Colombia solidarity activists at School of the Americas protest

Columbus, GA – A large group of anti-war and international solidarity activists passed out hundreds of flyers at the annual School of the Americas (SOA) protest at Fort Benning, Georgia on Nov. 21. The flyer calls to support the peace process in Colombia, freedom for Simon Trinidad and to close the SOA, where Latin American death squads and dictators are trained. The Colombian military trains regularly at the SOA and has the worst human rights record in the hemisphere.


By Tom Burke

Tampa, FL – Anti-war activists and students from Florida are mobilizing to protest the School of the Americas (SOA), Nov. 20-22. The SOA was renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) a few years ago, but it is still widely known as the SOA meaning “School of Assassins.” It is based at Fort Benning, near Columbus, Georgia.


By Tom Burke

Rasmea Odeh in front of Federal Appeals Court, Oct. 14, In Cincinnati, Ohio.

Cincinnati, OH – Supporters of Rasmea Odeh could be heard chanting from blocks away in downtown Cincinnati, Oct. 14. Bus riders on their way to morning shifts crossed the street to take leaflets, while curious business people were drawn to watch the protesters chant, “Justice for Rasmea! Justice for Rasmea!” and “DOJ, let’s be clear, Rasmea is welcome here!”


By Tom Burke

Denver, Colorado – Hundreds of anti-war and international solidarity activists called the White House, June 25, with a message for President Obama, “Peace for Colombia! Free Simon Trinidad!”


By Tom Burke

At the Rasmea solidarity event in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Chicago, IL – Activists gathered at events around the country to hear Rasmea Odeh and defense attorney Michael Deutsch speak by videoconference, June 11. Deutsch explained the legal basis for Rasmea Odeh’s appeal, explaining that the trial and sentencing were both unfair. He also said while Rasmea Odeh is free now, that may come to a quick end in Cincinnati if the appeal is lost.


By Tom Burke

Lynne Stewart (left, front) with husband Ralph Poynter and antiwar  activists

Secaucus, NJ – Over 300 people attended the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) convention at a hotel here, May 8-10. Prominent anti-war leaders and experts came together in an effort to stop the endless U.S. wars and occupations.


By Tom Burke

Michigan Teamsters Union Local 406 rallies outside Sysco Corporation.

Grand Rapids, MI—Around 50 workers and drivers joined a Teamsters Union Local 406 rally outside the food distribution giant Sysco Corporation on April 29. A huge black and gold Teamster truck was parked just outside the Sysco warehouse, bordering the Gerald R. Ford airport in Grand Rapids.


By Tom Burke

Rasmea Odeh's sentencing hearing March 12 in Detroit

Detroit, MI — Palestinian American women’s leader Rasmea Odeh was welcomed with cheers as she walked out of court on March 12 into the arms of 200 supporters. The crowd chanted “Rasmea! Rasmea! Rasmea!”


By Tom Burke

Mark Burton es el abogado del revolucionario colombiano Ricardo Palmera. Palmera es un preso político de los EE.UU., que actualmente permanece en la prisión de súper-máxima seguridad en Florence, Colorado. Mark Burton es una de las pocas personas que puede visitar y comunicarse con Palmera. Hay una campaña por la libertad de Ricardo Palmera para que pueda participar en las conversaciones de paz en Colombia, que suceden en Cuba. Ricardo Palmera es conocido popularmente como Simón Trinidad en Colombia. Para obtener más información, consulte

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By Tom Burke

Protest in front of Washington DC courthouse during trial of Ricardo Palmera.

Mark Burton is the lawyer for Colombian revolutionary Ricardo Palmera. Palmera is a political prisoner of the U.S., currently held in the Florence, Colorado supermax prison. Mark Burton is one of the few people allowed to visit and communicate with him. There is a campaign to Free Ricardo Palmera so he can take part in ongoing Colombian peace talks happening in Cuba. Ricardo Palmera is popularly known as Simón Trinidad in Colombia. For more information see


By Tom Burke

Grand Rapids, MI – Michigan workers are now seeing the harm caused by last year’s so-called ‘right to work’ law. Passed by Republican politicians in Lansing in 2013, the new law caused a noticeable drop in union membership – from 16.3% down to 14.5%. The trend is likely to continue as more union contracts, typically three years long, come to an end.

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