Los Angeles, CA – For nearly three years, activists have been trying to get Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey to open her doors to them. This morning, March 2, the front door to Lacey’s house was indeed opened, but with a gun pointed at the activists.
Los Angeles, CA – On November 9, hundreds rallied in downtown Los Angeles at Los Angeles State Historic Park to mark 25 years after the defeat of the racist California Proposition 187. California Proposition 187 which was commonly referred to as the Save Our State (SOS) initiative, was a 1994 ballot initiative initiated by the Republican Party with then Republican Governor Pete Wilson attacking mostly Mexican immigrants. Prop 187 called for a state-run citizenship screening system and prohibited the undocumented from using non-emergency health care, public education and other services in the State of California.
Los Angeles, CA – Hundreds of students from Garfield High School in East LA have walked out of their classrooms to defend DACA. The students are taking the metro train to downtown Los Angeles where participants will rally. A group of youth gathered in downtown as early as 6 a.m.
Los Angeles, CA – An LA jury took less than 24 hours to reject the wrongful death claims of a man killed by LAPD. The civil lawsuit needed a minimum of nine jurors to rule that the killer cop used excessive force in killing victim Omar González. However, all 12 jurors rejected the claim and ruled that police did not use negligence nor excessive force. In other words, the jury unanimously accepted the lies of two-time killer cop Eden Medina and his legal team.
Los Angeles, CA – Arriving at 4:30 a.m. to confront scabs, a large crowd of teachers, parents, students and allies showed up for the picket lines at Breed Street Elementary, January 15, day two of the UTLA teachers strike. Rain and wind did not stop the passionate and determined teachers. The day focused on the fight against privatizing education
Los Angeles, CA – At 6 a.m., January 14, over 50 teachers, students, parents and supporters joined the picket line at Breed Street Elementary. Breed Street Elementary, in the Boyle Heights neighborhood, is under attack by the mega-charter corporation Kipp Charter. Kipp Charter is trying to build a new charter school only one block away from Breed Street.
Los Angeles, CA – Chanting, “Say his name! Christian Escobedo!” and “If we don’t get no justice, then they don’t get no peace! No justice! No peace! No trigger-happy police!” on January 12 over 60 neighbors, family members, friends and allies gathered on Galena Street and Amethyst Street – where Escobedo was shot and killed.
Los Angeles, CA – With less than a 24-hour notice, about a dozen Chicanos and Latinos gathered in Los Angeles, January 9, against Trump’s proposed wall. Chanting, “Trump! El burro! No! Al muro!” (Trump the jackass! No to the wall!) and “When I say, ‘Trump,’ you say, ‘No wall!’ Trump! No wall!” the angry protesters gathered at the busy intersection of 4th Street and Soto Street in Boyle Heights. As they walked home, Roosevelt High School students and working-class families greeted the protestors.
Los Angeles, CA – This morning, December 19, United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) joined by parents, student and supporters, announced they will strike on Thursday, January 10, 2019. Centro CSO urges parents and students to join the picket line at their local school to stand united with our teachers.
Los Angeles, CA – In an outrageous decision, the jury sided with two-time killer and Los Angeles Police Department officer Eden Medina. The civil rights violations trial on 14-year-old Jesse Romero's killing started November 13 and lasted only six days. Early in the preceding, a judge ruled to exclude key evidence from the proceedings.
Los Angeles, CA – The civil trial by Jesse Romero's parents against LAPD officer Eden Medina and the City of Los Angeles started at the U.S. Courthouse on November 13. After five days of dramatic testimony and police video recordings, as of mid-day November 19, the jury has reported they are not agreeing yet on a decision. It appears the jury is split and the judge has asked them to continue deliberating.
Los Angeles, CA – On October 26, as the caravan of refugees from Central America traveled through Mexico, they were welcomed with food, festivity, aid, and clothing. As Chicanos, we must do the same when the caravan arrives at U.S. border.
Los Angeles, CA – Over 300 militant parents and students, along with teachers who are members of United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), gathered at LA Unified School District (LAUSD) headquarters, October 23, to protest Superintendent Austin Beutner. Near the end of the rally, they all marched into the LAUSD superintendent’s office and staged an occupation, demanding to meet with Beutner.
Los Angeles, CA – On Aug. 29, the strong and inspirational Gloria Arellanes spoke at the Centro CSO yearly Chicano Moratorium commemoration, held at Self Help Graphics. Arellanes, who is a proud Chicana and Tongva, spoke about her invaluable experiences while building the Chicano movement for self-determination and liberation.
Los Angeles, CA – A press conference was held in Boyle Heights, May 29, to release the body camera footage from two LAPD officers involved in the killing of 14-year-old Jesse Romero, a student at Mendez High School. The killing occurred on August 9, 2016. Romero’s parents, Teresa Dominguez and Jesus Romero, their lawyer Humberto Guizar, members of Centro CSO, Romero’s high school classmates, teachers and other families of loved ones killed by police were also present.
Los Angeles, CA – More than 30 parents, teachers, students and supporters of Christopher Dena Elementary took to the streets angrily opposing a co-location move by KIPP Charter. A co-location by KIPP at a public school means students would be segregated, within the same building, depending on which ‘school’ they were enrolled in.
Los Angeles, CA – For some of us the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta were unforgettable. I was ten years old and when gymnast Dominique Moceanu hit the floor I froze in my tracks and watched. She may not have won, but that year Moceanu instantly became one of my heroes. Little did I know that 20 years later, Moceanu would again become a hero when speaking out against Larry Nassar for repeated sexual assaults.
 meeting. KIPP charter school meets defeat at Dec. 14 Boyle Heights Planning and Land Use Committee (PLUC) meeting.
(Fight Back! News / Staff)”)
Los Angeles, CA — A packed house is unusual for the Boyle Heights Planning and Land Use Committee (PLUC), but on Dec. 14, over 50 people filled the room. The PLUC meeting was asked by KIPP Promesa Charter School architects and developers for a statement of support from the PLUC as well as a preview of a new Community Plan with a rezoning proposal. Boyle Heights is already occupied by two charter schools which co-locate at 2nd Street Elementary and Breed Elementary.
Los Angeles, CA – On the blistering hot Saturday morning, May 20, a group of angry activists chanted “Jail killer cops!” and “When Chicanos are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back!” The group gathered directly outside of the LAPD Hollenbeck police station, in Boyle Heights to demand LAPD officers responsible for the six killings in the last 12 months be jailed.
Los Angeles, CA – The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) just claimed their first Boyle Heights victim of 2017. A 36-year-old Chicano named Fred Barragan from the Boyle Heights neighborhood was killed by cops on March 25. Per local news reports, gunshots were heard around midnight. LAPD reports to the press that they saw Barragan run and an attempted to stop Barragan, leading to his killing. A witness disputes the LAPD version of events.