Chicanos in Boyle Heights to participate in the National Day of Action May 30
Los Angeles, CA – On Saturday, May 30 at 3 p.m. Centro Community Service Organization (CSO) will be participating in the National Day of Protest to demand the mass release of all prisoners due to COVID-19. The action is called by the National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression and CSO is an affiliated organization with the Alliance. We are protesting the murders of Ahmaud Aubery in Georgia, Breonna Taylor in Louisville, and George Floyd in Minneapolis because they are outraging, and we must demand justice. This lynch-style, racist terrorism must stop and perpetrators must be punished.
The Boyle Heights action will take place at Mariachi Plaza located at 1831 E 1st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033. Participants are encouraged to bring their own posters, masks and to practice social distancing.
“In Boyle Heights and East LA we have our very long list of Chicano victims,” says longtime Chicano revolutionary Carlos Montes. “From 14-year-old Jesse Romero to 16-year-old Jose Mendez, both killed in 2016. Anyone who is angered by injustices to our people, should join us!”
Questions regarding the event should be directed to Carlos Montes, Event Coordinator 213-712-0370 or Sol Marquez, Event Coordinator at 323-401-0433,
#LosAngelesCA #OppressedNationalities #PoliceBrutality #PeoplesStruggles #AfricanAmerican #ChicanoLatino #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #Antiracism #CentroCSOCommunityServiceOrganization #NationalDayOfProtest