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1800 nurses strike University Health in Chicago

By staff

Hundreds of picketers march with signs saying things like “Protect our patients” and “The community we serve deserves safe patient limits”.

Chicago, IL - On November 13, 1800 members of the Illinois Nurses Association (INA) went on strike against University of Illinois Health for continuing to refuse to negotiate a decent contract. Since June, the union has had 47 bargaining sessionswith UI Health, to no avail. In August, a week-long strike was held, but this did not stop management’s greed. The union wasleft with no choice but to go on an open-ended strike.

The workers are striking for higher wages, safety for nurses (and by extension, their patients), as well as family leave that lasts at least 12 weeks. UI Health has offered a measly 2% pay increase.

On the cold November day, 500 nurses and supporters ralliedoutside of the UI Specialty Care Building. They picketed, marched, chanted and listened to speeches starting at 7 a.m. When the overnight shift of nurses began to walk out of the UI Hospital, the waiting strikers broke out in cheers and applause.

Kathy Bollinger of the Illinois Nurses Association stated, “Who always has time for a break? Management! But do we have time to pump breast milk to feed our children? No! I had to switch to formula at just four months!”

Many drivers came by honking their horns to express solidarity. Supporters joining the rally and picket line included workers from other unions, such as at UPS, postal service workers, workers from the Chicago Transit Authority.

Jackson Potter, of the Chicago Teachers Union stated, “Who would we be as educators and nurses if we didn’t fight for other people to have those things?”

Joe Iosbaker, a retired member of the Service Employees International Union Local 73, spoke about the 2020 strike in the depths of the COVID pandemic. 4000 members of Local 73 joined 1300 INA members for nine days until management caved in. Iosbaker read the names of nurses Joyce Pacubas Le Blanc, Maria Lopez, and surgical technician Juan Martinez, all of whom died of COVID in May 2020. “Management told our members not to wear masks unless they were in a COVID ward, because it would scare the patients. They failed to protect us because they don’t care about us except to make profits!”

At midday, strikers started marching to the Dorin Forum one mile away on the east side of campus, and they kept the militancy up the entire time. People were chanting “No contract, no peace!” and “If we don’t get it, shut it down!”

For about an hour, nurses protested outside the Forum buildingwhere the board of trustees were meeting.

They then marched back to the west side of campus, where the negotiators came out to tell the strikers that the turnout is making management start to finally bend to the will of the workers.

One striker said, “I’m out here striking with the nurses, showing solidarity with my coworkers and my friends, fighting for a safe contract for us and the patients.” He continued, “We’re the ones who take care of this hospital and take care of the patients, and they’ll hear us loud and clear.”

“We’re fighting against workplace violence, we’re fighting for comparable wages to help us keep up with inflation, and we’re also fighting for patient safety,” said another striker.

The picket lines will continue every day and support from students and community is essential and helpful.

#ChicagoIL #INA #IllinoisNursesAssociation #UofIHealth #Nurses #Strike #CTU #SEIU #Feature

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