Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fight News Service is circulating the following statement from Women Against Military Madness (WAMM).


By Meredith Aby

Amina Baha.

St. Paul, MN – On August 18, representatives from Twin Cities anti-war groups and the local Afghan community gathered at the Lake Street-Marshall Avenue bridge to hold a press conference on the unfolding situation in Afghanistan. The event was part of a weekly peace vigil organized by Women Against Military Madness.


By Autumn Lake

Twin Cities action in solidarity with the people of Cuba and Haiti.

Minneapolis, MN – Around 30 people took to May Day Plaza, July 29, to hold signs and banners in a show of solidarity with the people of Cuba and Haiti after a new wave of U.S. intervention attempts. This event came after the Biden administration’s July 22 issuance of new sanctions on Cuba, as well as the July 7 assassination of Haiti’s President Jovenel Moïse.


By Joseph Aharoni

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

Minneapolis, MN – 30 people held banners and signs across three bridges on Interstate 35W during Minneapolis’ rush hour on June 9. They were out raising awareness of the consequences of U.S. aid to Israel.


By Autumn Lake

Sarah Martin with President Maduro.

Minneapolis, MN – On March 27, 80 people filled 4200 Cedar to witness a report on the conditions in Venezuela delivered by Sarah Martin. Martin, a longtime peace activist and member of Women Against Military Madness (WAMM), joined members of organizations such as International Action Center, Veterans for Peace, Canadian Peace Council, and United National Antiwar Coalition as part of an international peace delegation organized by the U.S. Peace Council and Black Alliance for Peace. The delegation's stated intention was to bring a message of solidarity to the Venezuelan people, to witness firsthand the effects of the United States’ political and economic war on the country, and to see the ways that the Venezuelan people resist the constant onslaught.


By Rhea Smykalski

Mary Beaudoin

Saint Paul, MN – On June 8, over 50 people protested at a busy street corner in Saint Paul, supporting the mass demonstrations in Gaza which have exposed the viciousness of occupation and siege under Israel.


By staff

Twin Cites vigil against U.S. intervention in Syria.

St. Paul, MN – About 25 people joined a peace vigil on Wednesday, April 18 in the Twin Cities to speak out against the U.S. attacks on Syria carried out last Friday evening.


By staff

No U.S. war on north Korea

Minneapolis, MN – In response to the growing danger of a new U.S. war in Korea and the endless series of U.S. wars, a coalition of Twin Cities-area peace groups have issued an appeal urging people to send an anti-war message for the holidays by being part of a visible anti-war action.


By staff

St. Paul protest against U.S.plans to move U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

St. Paul, MN – About 50 people rallied at the corner of Snelling and Summit Avenues in Saint Paul, Dec. 7, in response to Trump’s illegal plan to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Many of those participating were from the local Palestinian community. Motorists honked to the loud and spirited chants including “Free, free Palestine” and “What is the capital of Palestine? Jerusalem.”


By Sarah Martin

Marianne Hamilton

Minneapolis, MN – Marianne Hamilton, 97, a long time, highly respected, and much loved anti-war activist died Saturday August 5. Along with Polly Mann, Marianne founded Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) years ago. Polly recalls she was the model of how to do peace work, that “she was a light to all of us.”