Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Meredith Aby

WAMM stands with striking nurses

Minneapolis, MN – Members and supporters of Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) picketed with the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis on Sept. 25. The MNA went on strike at Allina hospitals on Labor Day.


By staff

Publicizing anti-war protest against U.S. intervention in Iraq and Syria

Minneapolis, MN – To mark one year since the start of the latest U.S. bombing campaign in Iraq, a coalition of Minneapolis and Saint Paul organizations will hold a protest on Saturday, August 8. The protest will be held at Lake Street and Hiawatha Avenue in Minneapolis starting at 1:00 p.m.


By staff

Twin Cities protest against U.S. military aid to Ukraine

St. Paul, MN – 15 people braved the cold and wind to say no Cold War with Russia and no U.S. weapons to the Ukraine, Feb 18. The vigil took place on the Lake Street Marshall Avenue Bridge over the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and Saint Paul.


By Cannon Atkinson

SDS members at Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) Oct. 10 protest.

Minneapolis, MN – Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) gathered a crowd on Oct. 10 to protest a speech by former President Bill Clinton and his support for U.S. wars and military attacks in the Middle East. Protesters chanted, “No justice, no peace, U.S. out of the Middle East!”


By mick

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St. Paul, MN – About 40 people gathered here for Women Against Military Madness’ weekly Friday Palestine vigil, Aug. 8, at the intersection of Summit and Snelling Avenues. Protesters chanted, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Activists from the Twin Cities will be joining people from six Midwest states in Chicago this weekend to protest drone warfare at the headquarters of Boeing Company. Boeing is the second largest weapons manufacturer in the country.


By staff

Twin Cites protest against plans for war on Syria.

Minneapolis, MN – About 70 peace activists in the Twin Cities protested against the growing danger of a new U.S. military intervention in Syria, Aug. 28, at the Marshall Avenue-Lake Street bridge peace vigil.


By staff

Twin Cities protest against U.S. intervention in Mali.

St. Paul, MN – With the wind chill at 15 degrees below zero, about 30 peace and justice activists gathered here, Jan. 23. Their slogan, “No U.S. Drones in Mali, No U.S. intervention in Mali” was the week’s theme of the Peace Vigil that happens every Wednesday on the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge across the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and Saint Paul.


By staff

Representative Keith Ellison speaking at October 19 forum on Iran.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 175 people came to the event “Iran in the Crosshairs” on Oct. 19 to hear from anti-war activists and Congressman Keith Ellison (Fifth Congressional District of Minnesota) about how to stop the U.S. march to war.


By staff

Protesters demand U.S. out of Afghanistan.

Minneapolis, MN – Around 60 people joined a weekly peace vigil in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul on Sept. 19 to mark 4000 days since the start of the U.S. war in Afghanistan.