Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Beau Hawk

Chattanooga, TN – Teamsters across North America are organizing around the union’s upcoming international 2021 elections to demand union leadership that fights the boss and fights for the members.


By staff

Utah Teamsters petition for the O’Brien-Zuckerman leadership slate accreditation

Tampa, FL – Rank-and-file Teamsters all across the country have been petitioning for the O’Brien-Zuckerman leadership slate accreditation for the upcoming 2021 Teamster election. The slate, out of the Teamsters United coalition, is led by Sean O’Brien for general president and Fred Zuckerman for general secretary-treasurer. Teamsters United is a large coalition within the Teamsters union fighting for better contracts, a stronger union, and for worker power against the boss.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Teamsters from all over Chicago descended upon Teamster City, January 31, to celebrate the announcement that Juan Campos, secretary treasurer of Teamster 705, will be running for vice president at-large for the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in 2021 on the O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United slate.


By Dave Schneider

Both leaders will run on the Teamsters United reform ticket

Sean O’Brien announcing his candidacy for General President of the IBT.

Jacksonville, FL – Standing in front of more than 100 Teamsters gathered in a Boston, Massachusetts park, May 29, two Teamster leaders announced plans to run together for the leadership of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) in 2021.


By Richard Blake

Fred Zuckerman

Jacksonville, FL – On Nov. 18, Teamsters in the U.S. and Canada awoke to find that Jim Hoffa had won re-election as president of the International Brotherhood of the Teamsters after 17 years in office. Instead of the overwhelming electoral victory that Hoffa usually experiences, the Teamsters old guard lost in the Southern Region, the Central Region, the U.S. as a whole, and only barely squeaked by in the International vote.


By staff

On Nov. 15, rank-and-file Teamsters in the southern U.S. delivered a huge blow to Jim Hoffa Jr., the current general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. The Teamsters United slate, which is challenging Hoffa's 17-year rule of the union, won the Southern Region by a vote of 10,789 to 8227. John Palmer and Kimberley Schultz, candidates with Teamsters United, will become the new vice presidents of the Southern Region.


By Daniel Ginsberg

Chicago, IL – Los trabajadores que luchan contra la desigualdad económica pueden tener esperanza. Uno de los sindicatos más grandes y más poderosos del país, los Teamsters, comenzarán a enviar por correo las papeletas a principios de octubre a sus miembros para que voten por el próximo presidente del sindicato. Los que luchan contra las concesiones de los empresarios y que quieren un movimiento obrero más fuerte están uniéndose junto a Fred Zuckerman y la lista de los Teamsters Unidos, con la esperanza de desbancar al actual presidente del sindicato James P. Hoffa, Jr.

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By Fern

Jacksonville, FL – About a dozen rank-and-file Teamsters gathered at a local bar in downtown Jacksonville to watch the debate for the upcoming International Brotherhood of Teamsters election. This October's union election will be one of the year's most important events for organized labor.

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