Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Richard Berg (RB), candidato a vicepresidente de la Hermandad Internacional de Teamsters para la Planilla de Contratos Fuertes y Buenas Pensiones de Tom Leedham. Berg es también un líder clave en la lucha contra la corrupción en el Local 743 de Chicago. El resultado de la elección de los Teamsters es vital para todos los trabajadores Teamsters e impactará la dirección del movimiento de trabajadores.

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By Redacción

El 31 de diciembre, cinco miembros del Local 743 (Teamsters) que fueron los ganadores de las últimas elecciones, entraron a las oficinas para recibir las llaves de sus oponentes, los cuales perdieron las elecciones. El anterior presidente Richard Lopez sabía que había sido derrotado y que podría ir a la cárcel.

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By staff

Chicago, IL – Larry Davis, the new president of Teamsters Local 743 in Chicago, fired five staff members on May 28. Davis had been installed by International President Jim Hoffa on May 14.


By staff

There is a big battle going on in the Teamsters Union, pitting reformers against corrupt officials. In Chicago, Teamster union reform leaders, President Richard Berg and Secretary Treasurer Gina Alvarez of Local 743 were removed from office by Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa Jr. this past Friday. Hoffa’s action aids corrupt union officials and criminals trying to worm their way back into Chicago’s Teamster unions. Fight Back! interviewed Richard Berg just before he received the official letter from Hoffa Jr.


By Fern

Workers rally at the City Hall steps in Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville, FL – Over 200 supporters of Jobs for Jacksonville rallied to protest Turner Construction's unjust and unlawful labor practices, Jan. 26. Union members from the Carpenters, IBEW, Boilermakers, Sheet Metal Workers and the Teamsters are waging a campaign against Turner Construction. Turner refuses to hire out-of-work construction workers in Jacksonville for the Duval County Courthouse building project. This is a blatant breach of Turner Construction's contract, which promised to provide many jobs for the economically hurting building trades people in Jacksonville.


By staff

_Hoffa Grants Stay of Effectiveness to Berg and Alvarez _

Chicago, IL – Two days after Teamsters Joint Council 25 suspended Richard Berg and Gina Alvarez from office over trumped up charges, the International president, Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. has granted them a stay of effectiveness. This will be in place until the international hears their appeal. Berg and Alvarez will be restored to their positions in the union immediately.


By staff

Richard Berg, Teamsters Local 743, speaking at a conference.

Chicago, IL – Chicago Teamster bosses ousted reformers Richard Berg and Gina Alvarez from union office today in a power struggle between grassroots reformers and old guard Teamster officials over one of the largest Teamster local unions in Chicago and the country.


By staff

Stephanie Weiner of NFEJ presents $1,500 to SK Hand Tool striker John McHale

Stephanie Weiner of the Network to Fight for Economic Justice presented $1,500 to SK Hand Tool striker John McHale. The money was raised October 3, at the 'We Say Fight Back' conference in Chicago, where trade union, community, immigrant rights, and student activists came together to found the Network to Fight for Economic Justice. SK Hand and Tool strikers were prominent in the conference and attendees vowed to build support for the strike.


By staff

Teamsters with raised fists, on strike in front of SK Hand Tools

Chicago, IL – When the owner of SK Hand Tools in Chicago unilaterally cut off health care benefits for his employees, he provoked a strike. As a result, the picket line of striking workers on Tuesday, Aug. 25, was also a health care rally.


By Redacción

Miembros de Teamsters Local 743 frente a la Casa Blanca, 28 de agosto, 1963.

Los miembros del gremio del sindicato Local 743 de los Teamsters se están preparando para unirse a la marcha masiva del 1o de septiembre en Saint Paul, Minnesota para protestar en la Convención nacional republicana. Ellos ven esta marcha como parte del esfuerzo de derrotar a los republicanos este otoño. Esta marcha será la primera movilización nacional en 45 anos en la cual se une el Local 743.

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