Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.

The unjust guilty verdict handed down by the Tagum Regional Trial Court against Rep. France Castro, former Rep. Satur Ocampo and several other individuals, is a direct attack of the fascist US-Marcos regime against the democratic and patriotic forces of the Filipino people. We join the broad masses of the Filipino people in roundly condemning this grave act of political persecution.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The shots fired at Trump’s Pennsylvania campaign rally, July 13, are a big deal that will have political repercussions. While little is yet known about the motivations of the shooter, there is plenty that we can be certain of, including that this event will be used to legitimize and promote a reactionary, right-wing agenda.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the various patriotic and democratic sectors in denouncing the Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) that is scheduled to be signed today by representatives of Japan and the Marcos government, at the behest of the interventionist US imperialist government.

The RAA, similar to the notorious US-Philippines Visiting Forces Agreement, will pave the way for Japanese military forces to establish their presence in the country as part of the plan to deploy overseas troops, preposition their vessels, conduct war exercises and preparations, and bind the Philippines more tightly to the US-led military alliances. Through the RAA, Marcos is allowing Japan to heighten its intervention in the Philippines in exchange for the transfer of military equipment, as well as promises of investments and loans, which only means deepening the country’s dependence on foreign capital.

The RAA is being signed in the context of intensified overseas military operations of Japan within the framework of the US-led Quad (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) and increasing role in war exercises and preparations. It aims to increase the part of Japanese military forces in the current US geopolitical strategy, as elaborated in the US Indo-Pacific Strategy, which aims to contain and counter the growth of China’s economic and military power and influence. The RAA, in particular, will allow Japan to use the Philippines to expand its reach and influence, at the behest of the US military.

On US goading over the past years, Japan has been strengthening and expanding its so-called self-defense force (SDF) as a belligerent force, long prohibited under the Japanese constitution. The US has been putting pressure on Japan to increase its military spending to 2% (from 1%) of its GDP to “share the burden” of “deterring Chinese aggression.”

Since its defeat at the end of World War II, Japan has served as a junior imperialist power of the US. In pushing Japan to increase its military strength, the US is making the calculated risk of emboldening the expansionist aspirations of Japanese monopoly capitalists.

In signing the RAA with Japan, the Marcos regime will further tie the country to the US-led imperialist jingoist alliance, and shackle the Philippines more firmly to the military and economic interests of the US and Japan. It will further erode the country’s capacity to independently assert its own interests and aspirations.

By signing the RAA, Marcos will pave the way for the return to the Philippines of the military forces of imperialist Japan, which has never fully acknowledged and rectified the crimes perpetrated by its soldiers who occupied the country in 1942-1945, including the rape of thousands of Filipino comfort women.

#International #Philippines #CPP #Statement

By Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Donald Trump reported that the International Brotherhood of Teamsters President Sean O'Brien had accepted an invitation to speak at the Republican National Convention, held this year in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

This will mark the first time in history that a Teamsters general president has addressed the Republican National Convention.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.

Former US air force colonel, Raymond M. Powell, is an active psywar operative, interventionist, war-monger and American agent-provocateur. From an obscure career in the US military, he has been receiving much air time from big Philippine media organizations since last year, touted as a “security analyst” and “expert on maritime issues.”

Colonel Powell has been actively supporting Philippine security forces in carrying out provocative operations in the West Philippine Sea in the guise of “supply missions” to bring “construction materials” to the BRP Sierra Madre. He has recently stepped up his provocation, pushing the Philippines to consult with the US on options under the Mutual Defense Treaty. He insists China will not be open to deescalating conflicts, insinuating that there is no more room for diplomacy and dialogue.

Funded and endorsed by the US military, Colonel Powell has been playing an active role in the US “Indo-Pacific strategy,” that aims to contain China’s growth as an economic and military power. He presently heads the Myoushu and Sealight projects at Stanford University, which has been actively providing “information operations” support to the so-called “supply missions” of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and Philippine Coast Guard. These naval and maritime operations challenge China’s “gray-zone tactics” and push it to its limits. This is part of the overall US military scheme to make China “own the starting pistol.”

By way of background, Colonel Powell took part in the US wars of invasion and occupation of Afghanistan (2001) and Iraq (2003), both of which were waged by the US on false pretexts. As an expert in information wars, he is now actively seeking ways to ignite a military conflict between the Philippines and China, and thus set the pretext for a large-scale US war of intervention.

Colonel Powell is part of US drumbeating operations to generate a clamor for war and for US military intervention. He is working alongside other US-funded, supported or endorsed “think tanks” such as the “International Development and Security Cooperation” which has been hyping up the scenario of a “Chinese invasion” and consistently calling on the US to step in. The fanning of Sinophobia is also part of this information war.

Colonel Powell and the slew of “security analysts” must be exposed and denounced as war-mongers, who have no qualms of sparking a war in the South China Sea and West Philippine Sea, which will surely trample further on Philippine sovereignty and bring a great disaster to the Filipino people.

#International #Philippines #CPP #Statement

By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The English translation appeared on the Resistance News Network on Telegram.

The war criminal Netanyahu firmly confirms he does not want to stop the war for narrow calculations and rejects Biden's proposal contrary to American claims.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Step onto the stage of history in Milwaukee, July 15, as thousands march on the Republican National Convention.

More than 100 organizations are participating in this effort, spearheaded by the Coalition to March on the RNC, and mobilizations are taking place in cities across the U.S. As Trump is raking in money from billionaire donors and stepping up his campaign for the White House, it’s vital that all of was who support Justice, progress and peace should be in the streets raising the banner of opposition.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Publicado el 7 de mayo de 2024

Los ocupantes Israelíes de Palestina han intensificado sus ataques contra la ciudad de Rafah en el sur de Gaza durante las últimas 24 horas. Han atacado viviendas y han matado a niños. Los aviones están fabricados en los Estados Unidos. El material de guerra que se utiliza lo suministra la administración Biden. Se está llevando a cabo un genocidio en Palestina y Washington, D.C. lo está facilitando.

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By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The English translation appeared on the Resistance News Network on Telegram.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The English translation appeared on the Resistance News Network’s Telegram channel.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that our people, with all their forces and components, are united in demanding the cessation of aggression and that no deal or proposal has any value if it assumes the continuation of the genocide war or maneuvers to allow the occupation to continue its crimes. The resistance forces are entrusted with the demands of our people.