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News and Views from the People's Struggle

PFLP: American calls to de-escalate are lies to protect the occupation

By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The English translation appeared on the Resistance News Network on Telegram.

The Popular Front confirmed that the American statements about the need to de-escalate and the importance of reaching a ceasefire are mere lies and part of the maneuvers practiced by the United States since the beginning of the war of extermination to protect the zionist entity and allow the continuation of the war of genocide against our people.

The Front emphasized that the United States led this war against our people, and if it wanted to stop it, it would have compelled the zionist entity to do so. The U.S. must exert pressure on the zionist entity to stop its crimes against the peoples and countries of the region and stop promoting lies and accusations against the resistance forces.

The Front stated that the resistance has repeatedly agreed to ceasefire offers, which the occupation quickly overturned, while the American administration continued to threaten the resistance forces.

The Front stressed that this American rush is not aimed at reducing escalation but at preventing the criminal occupier from receiving the responses it deserves from the resistance forces, especially after Iran's decision to respond to its crimes and exercise its natural right to self-defense and deter this criminal enemy.

The Front explained that the resistance forces are united, determined to make this enemy pay a high price for its crimes, and are fighting this battle in a unified and coordinated manner, confident in the justice of their fight against the zionist war crimes regime and its allies.

The Front warned Arab countries against getting involved in any form of defense of the criminal occupier who has deeply shed the blood of Arab peoples, affirming that what the nations demand from the Arab states is to support the rights of the Palestinian people and their cause, the rights of the peoples and countries of the region, and to support the heroic and honorable role of the resistance in this battle of destiny.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Central Media Department

August 6, 2024

#International #Palestine #PFLP #Statement