Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Protestors marching in Aurora, CO.

Aurora, CO – Immigrant rights groups from the greater Denver area came together on September 19 to confront Johnny Choate, the warden of Aurora’s notorious ICE detention facility, at his Aurora home.


By staff

Tampa SDS protests Trump's wall

Tampa, FL – The Tampa Bay chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a rally April 3 to stand against the U.S.-Mexico border wall and demand protections for immigrant students at the University of South Florida (USF). One of these protections is non-deputization of campus police to enforce immigration policy. The event featured a mock border wall, symbolizing the recent attacks on immigrants by the U.S. government.


By Chase Gordon

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Tampa, FL – On February 28, the Tampa Bay chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a Black Lives Matter rally at the University of South Florida for the seventh anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s death. In 2012, Trayvon Martin, 17, was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida, after returning from a nearby gas station. The trial of Zimmerman became a national phenomenon with him walking free due to Florida’s ‘stand your ground’ law. The shooting is still fresh on Florida’s mind, with many questioning the judicial system that let a man off with murder.


By Ryan Hamann

Oshkosh, WI – On Oct. 25, UW-Oshkosh Students for a Democratic Society (UWO SDS) hosted an event regarding the campus administration's current budget cutting policies. Members of UWO SDS were joined via Google Hangout by a leading student activist from UW-Superior and a member of UW-Parkside SDS, as well as a few members of the UWO faculty.


By Chase Gordon

Tampa, FL – Tampa Bay Students for Democratic Society (SDS) held an immigration panel at the University of South Florida October 15, as part of their ongoing campaign for USF administration to not comply with federal immigration efforts on campus. Their demands for university non-compliance with DHS, the FBI and ICE come amid national student struggle against university complicity with anti-immigrant measures.


By Chrisley Carpio

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Tampa, FL – On October 4, over 20 students protested at the University of South Florida against the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Students denounced the Trump administration for the mishandling of the accusations against Kavanaugh, their rushed FBI investigation, and Trump’s mocking and blatant disrespect for Christine Blasey Ford, one of the survivors. Protesters were also disgusted by the blatant rape apologism demonstrated by prominent Senate Republicans, such as Lindsey Graham.


By staff

Wisconsin students fight attacks on public education.

Madison, WI – On May 9, dozens of students, faculty, campus workers and supporters gathered on the steps of the capitol building just off of State Street in Madison, to protest the continued attacks against public education. These attacks predate Governor Scott Walker's administration but have intensified significantly since he took office in 2011. People came from Steven's Point, Eau Claire, Kenosha, Oshkosh (represented by UW-Oshkosh Students for a Democratic Society), Madison and elsewhere.


By Maddie Hendrick

SDS wins removal of statue honoring slaveholder.

Tallahassee, FL – Florida State University (FSU) Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) launched a campaign in 2016 to remove a racist statue and rename two buildings on FSU’s campus. On May 4, SDS’s demands were met when an advisory panel voted to recommend that the university remove the Francis Eppes statue, and rename both Eppes Hall and BK Roberts Hall.


By staff

Distributing Fight Back! at Denver May Day event.

Denver, CO – Denver Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) held a gathering in front of the Colorado capitol building on May 1 to celebrate International Workers Day. The Front Range Socialist Party and John Brown Gun Club held a food and clothing drive at the same location.


By staff

SDS protests honoring slaveholder on campus.

Tallahassee, FL – The Florida State University (FSU) chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held an April 12 event to raise awareness of the racism on their campus, and gave presentations detailing the history of FSU’s founding. Several SDS members gave presentations mentioning Francis Eppes, the man whom FSU honors as its founder.