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South Florida students rally on anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s murder

By Chase Gordon

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here. Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here. South Florida students mark the anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s killing. (FightBack!News/Staff)

Tampa, FL – On February 28, the Tampa Bay chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a Black Lives Matter rally at the University of South Florida for the seventh anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s death. In 2012, Trayvon Martin, 17, was shot and killed by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida, after returning from a nearby gas station. The trial of Zimmerman became a national phenomenon with him walking free due to Florida’s ‘stand your ground’ law. The shooting is still fresh on Florida’s mind, with many questioning the judicial system that let a man off with murder.

The protest was aimed at the judicial system, the police, and the university’s administration, which is not unfamiliar with political scandal. Just last week, the USF administration came under fire for allowing the white supremacist Patriot Front to post flyers around campus and refused to condemn the group’s presence.

The protest saw many students from all backgrounds attend and stand against racism. The roar of the chants condemning the racist system resonated across campus.

“It’s important to hold these rallies so we don’t allow ourselves and our community to forget the vast corruption in our judicial system. You find that many students have not forgotten about it and are outraged at how this country politically functions,” said Tampa Bay SDS member Mia Montano.

The Tampa Bay SDS chapter continues to fight against racist policies and procedures that they face on their campus. This rally was one of many that SDS nationally put on to speak out against racism on campuses all over the country.

#TampaFL #InJusticeSystem #OppressedNationalities #StudentsForADemocraticSociety #SDS #PeoplesStruggles #AfricanAmerican #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #UniversityOfSouthFlorida #TrayvonMartin #USF

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