Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Minneapolis, MN — Plans are underway to mark International Women’s Day with an outdoor rally, March 8, 5 p.m., at Mayday Plaza, 301 Cedar Avenue, Minneapolis. Organized by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, the event has been endorsed by Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar, Anti-War Committee, Women Against Military Madness, Minnesota Peace Action Coalition, Welfare Rights Committee, Native Lives Matter, Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of Minnesota, and Women's March MN.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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March 8 celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD). This important international holiday originates in the struggles of working women in the U.S. Now is a pivotal time in the history of the fight for women’s liberation. At this moment women are finding their voices, their strength, and solidarity in numbers.


By staff

Jacksonville FL – With the emergence of the Me Too movement, there has been a solid wave of solidarity among survivors of sexual abuse which has ultimately created a positive momentum regarding an otherwise silent topic. The topic of sexual violence however, can oftentimes be very dangerous to discuss publicly. Coalition for Consent is a local group in Jacksonville that fights to educate people about consent and help survivors of sexual violence. CFC has hosted a variety of actions and events from rallies to workshops for survivors.


By staff

Oshkosh, WI protest one one year anniversary of Trump taking power.

Oshkosh, WI – 40 people gathered to protest the Trump regime in downtown Oshkosh, Jan. 20, to mark one year since his inauguration. Protesters hailed from a variety of groups: a community group called United Action Oshkosh (UAO), others from a local weekly rally group, a few from University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), and some unaffiliated with any groups. The demonstration itself was co-organized by SDS and UAO.


By staff

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Milwaukee, WI – On Jan 20, the Young People’s Resistance Committee (YPRC) attended Milwaukee’s Women’s March. Around 20,000 people were in attendance to counter the Trump administration’s continuous attacks on women, queer people and other oppressed communities.


By staff

Fighting back against Trump every step of the way

There was a high tide of struggle on many fronts in 2017. The pace and intensity of the struggles this year makes it easy to forget some of the things we have accomplished, which makes it all the more important to look back and review the lessons from this year’s resistance so we can move forward stronger.


By Brad Sigal

St. Paul, MN – In 2017, the people’s movements took to the streets in huge numbers, facing off against Donald Trump as he assumed the presidency along with his band of billionaires and generals. Like many hated right-wing politicians before him, Trump has provoked not just protests but also a lot of music reflecting on and expressing outrage about his reactionary actions and words.


By Jessica Schwartz

New York, NY – In the aftermath of multiple allegations of sexual harassment, assault, and rape against Hollywood executive and producer Harvey Weinstein, a social media hashtag campaign #MeToo emerged. The hashtag was created by African-American activist Tarana Burke ten years ago, and gained traction again amidst the Weinstein allegations. With this campaign, victims of sexual assault told their stories of sexual abuse and harassment to shed a light on the frequency of sexual violence in the U.S. and globally. French women created their own hashtag “#BalanceTonPorc” or “Expose Your Pig.” Since Weinstein, numerous other celebrities have been outed as sexual assailants and predators.


By Jessica Schwartz

New York, NY – In the aftermath of multiple allegations of sexual harassment, assault, and rape against Hollywood executive and producer Harvey Weinstein, a social media hashtag campaign #MeToo emerged. The hashtag was created by African-American activist Tarana Burke ten years ago, and gained traction again amidst the Weinstein allegations. With this campaign, victims of sexual assault told their stories of sexual abuse and harassment to shed a light on the frequency of sexual violence in the U.S. and globally. French women created their own hashtag “#BalanceTonPorc” or “Expose Your Pig.” Since Weinstein, numerous other celebrities have been outed as sexual assailants and predators.