Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Redacción

Líderes del movimiento de solidaridad en Estados Unidos (EE.UU) con el pueblo de Colombia han condenado la masacre del Primero de Marzo en el territorio de Ecuador, perpetrada por militares del gobierno colombiano con la asistencia de EE.UU., en la cual fue asesinado el miembro del Secretariado y portavoz de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) Raul Reyes, 17 guerrilleros 5 civiles mexicanos y un número no determinado de civiles ecuatorianos.

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By Josh Sykes

Book cover for Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia

Professor James J. Brittain's new book, Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia: The Origin and Direction of the FARC-EP (Pluto Press, London: 2010), is a thoroughly researched and documented academic study of the Colombian revolution and of its largest and longest lasting guerrilla organization, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP). This alone makes it almost unique. Add to this the fact that it is based on five years of extensive research in Colombia’s countryside, both with the FARC and with the rural population, and it becomes clear that we have a one-of-a-kind book. What this study amounts to is a systematic and thorough defense of the FARC, facing the myths and allegations against the FARC squarely and putting them to rest. On this point, the book is invaluable.


By mick

Protesters in Washington D.C. demand freedom for Ricardo Palmera

Speaking with Fight Back! Dec. 15, a leader of the U.S.-based National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera, Tom Burke, slammed a Nov. 12 lawsuit filed in Florida Middle District Court against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Burke stated, “This is nothing more than an attempt by a group of U.S. mercenaries to gain publicity and put some more money in their pockets. The lawsuit fits into a larger agenda – to criminalize the main Colombian rebel group, the FARC, an organization that is fighting for a free, just and independent Colombia.”


By Redacción

'un mensaje al pueblo estadounidense'

Esta es una entrevista con Raul Reyes, hecho en julio 2000. Fue grabado por Jess Sundin, una activista en solidaridad con Colombia, un miembro de Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

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By Raul Reyes

El Portavoz de las FARC-EP

Colombia Action Network se reunieron con el Comandante Raul Reyes.

Yo le quiero decir al pueblo estadounidense que el pueblo colombiano los admira y quiere tener las mejores relaciones con el.

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By Redacción

cuarenta personas manifestaron en frente del consulado Colombiano

¡Lucha y Resiste! entrevistó a Marco Leon Calarca, un portavoz de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), para familiarizar nuestra comunidad con la guerra que esta desplegando en Colombia.

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By Jose Maria Sison

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by Prof. Jose Maria Sison of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle calling for the release of Colombian revolutionary Ricardo Palmera.


By staff

Photo of group that went to Colombia.

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP) is the largest rebel group in Colombia. Freedom Road Socialist Organization members Kosta Harlan and Erika Zurawski recently traveled to the rebel held territory and met with commanders of the FARC-EP. Fight Back! interviewed these American revolutionaries to discuss the struggle in Colombia.


By staff

Photo of Ricardo Palmera.

Fight Back! interviewed Oscar Silva, the Colombian lawyer for U.S. political prisoner and Colombian revolutionary Ricardo Palmera. The U.S. government is holding Palmera in a prison cell without access to his lawyer, reporters or his family and friends. Palmera, born to a wealthy family, has dedicated his whole life to the working class and peasant farmers of his country. Palmera’s only crime is to struggle for the Colombian people and their right to rule their own country. The trial is a sham and is an attempt to criminalize one of the leading groups fighting for Colombia’s liberation – the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).


By staff

Washington D.C. – Jailed Colombian revolutionary Ricardo Palmera was in the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. Jan. 24 and 25. Palmera is an important leader for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, the FARC, who represented the organization in the peace negotiations with the Colombian government. During the hearing, FBI agent Alex Barbeito testified that Palmera willingly and with the approval of his Colombian lawyer talked to the FBI on three occasions. This was challenged by the defense, who presented Palmera’s Colombian lawyer, Oscar Silva. Oscar Silva said he, “Never spoke to a jail administrator, or authorized a judicial procedure without his own presence, and that Silva himself spoke to Ricardo Palmera before his extradition, and he vowed, ‘he would not allow the FBI to interrogate him.’”