Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

_150,000 workers and students say no to union busting _

SDS in massive Madison march, February 26

Madison, WI – 150,000 strong, union members and students flooded the state capitol on Feb. 26, the strongest showing yet to oppose Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's all out assault on public sector unions.


By Carlos Montes

Los Angeles protest in solidarity with Wisconsin workers, 2/26/2011

Los Angeles, CA – Thousands of workers rallied at Los Angeles City Hall, Feb. 26, to show solidarity with the struggle of workers in Wisconsin, who are fighting to keep their right to collective bargaining. The union members proudly wore their union shirts and carried signs reading “This is about freedom.” From AFSCME, SEIU, Teamsters, CWA, IBEW and ILWU, to name a few of the participating unions, workers expressed their anger at Wisconsin’s Republican Governor Walker’s attack on public workers.


By mick

Nearly 2000 people gathered at the state capitol building to support the fight

St. Paul, MN – Nearly 2000 people gathered at the state capitol building here, Feb. 26, to support the fight of Wisconsin workers. The noon rally brought out a broad spectrum of trade unions, including the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees and Teamsters. Members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and other progressive organizations also participated.


By staff

SDS at Madison protest

Madison, WI – “Shame!” roared the audience as the Wisconsin State Assembly voted to pass the union-busting Budget Repair Bill, Feb. 25. Yet spirits remain high amongst the thousands of protesters still gathered at the State Capitol, with mass marches and the capitol building occupation still going strong. The Wisconsin State Senate has yet to be able to pass the bill, with thousands in the streets, the 14 State Senate Democrats still in hiding and many unions preparing the beginning stages of a general strike.


By Tom Burke

Taking their lead from Wisconsin, 1200 protesters rallied against attacks on uni

Lansing, MI – Taking their lead from Wisconsin, 1200 protesters rallied against attacks on unions and democracy at the Michigan State Capitol, Feb. 22. Union fire fighters were out in force and in uniform, carrying signs reading, “Support Act 312,” a 1969 law establishing binding arbitration. Binding arbitration requires towns and cities to work out their differences with the workers.


By staff

Madison, WI – The struggle at the Wisconsin State Capitol to defeat the union-busting Budget Repair Bill held strong through its 9th day, Feb. 23. The state Capitol remained occupied and as early as 7:30 a.m. the chants of “Kill the bill” could be heard from all over. Over 50 Sheet Metal workers, many laid off, came marching up to the capitol at 8:00 a.m., chanting “Union Power!”


By staff

SDS at occupation of Wisconsin capitol

Madison, WI – Inside and out, the Capitol Building is loud and crowded. It's the eighth day of protests against Governor Scott Walker's ‘budget repair bill’ and every night, thousands of students and workers occupy the Capitol Building. The people of Wisconsin are showing determination to kill the bill.


By Brad Sigal

Union members pack the MN State Capitol in solidarity with Wisconsin workers

St. Paul, MN – Excitement was in the air in the Minnesota Capitol building, Feb. 22 as more than a thousand workers packed the capitol rotunda in an impressive display of solidarity with workers in Wisconsin.


By staff

Workers at rally outside WI Capitol building

Madison, WI – As of Feb. 21, people from throughout Wisconsin and around the country have been showing support for public workers locked into a battle with Republican Party leaders. Wisconsin Governor Walker is determined to destroy unions in Wisconsin. Over 100,000 protesters have let their voices be heard over the last few days in the Wisconsin capital of Madison and around the country. Chants of “Kill the bill” are heard each day as workers try to fight to maintain their unions.


By Brad Sigal

AFSCME leader speaks at protest to "kill the bill", Feb. 19, 2011, Hudson, WI

Hudson, WI – Hundreds of workers protested Feb. 19 in this town on the border of Wisconsin and Minnesota to “kill the bill” that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is trying to ram through. That bill would destroy the state’s public sector unions and impose massive pay and benefit cuts on more than 100,000 workers.