Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Nadxheli Diaz

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The chants “Refugees are welcome here!” “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA!” “Let them in!” and others were heard at the LAX Tom Bradley International Arrivals Terminal, where protesters rallied Jan. 29 against Trump’s Muslim ban.


By Fabian Van Onzin

Over 1000 people protested at Bush Intercontinental Airport against Trump's Muslim ban. According to various news sources, multiple people are being detained at the airport due to the new executive order. The protesters occupied the international terminal and demanded that all the detained be released. The police tried to disperse the crowd, but were unsuccessful as more people poured into the terminal. There were people both inside and outside. At the height of the action, the entire hallway was filled with people from all walks of life. They chanted, “No more borders!” and ''Stop the hate, stop the fear, Muslims are welcome here.”


By Cassia Laham

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Hundreds of protesters gathered at noon, Jan. 29, outside of the departing terminals of Miami International Airport to denounce the U.S.’s recent ban on immigrants from countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa. The crowd grew bigger and more militant throughout the afternoon, despite the pouring rain and chilly weather. Signs and activists were dampened but their spirits were not.


By Tom Burke

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Grand Rapids, MI – Between 500 and 600 people protested President Trump's Muslim travel ban at Gerald R. Ford International Airport in West Michigan. The protesters stretched for a quarter mile along the busy entrance road to the airport at 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 29.


By Ian Gallagher

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2000 people gathered here, Jan. 26, to protest Trump and the Republican agenda. Protesters gathered at Thomas Paine Plaza to rally against Trump’s recent decisions and executive orders. These include continued construction of the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines. Other issues of the day are the freezing of aid to all overseas organizations providing access to and promotion of safe abortions, and the recent signing of an executive order to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.


By Masao Suzuki

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El 25 de enero, el presidente Trump firmó una orden ejecutiva que da inicio a la construcción de un muro fronterizo entre México y los EE.UU., incrementa el número de agentes de patrulla fronteriza, y aumenta la cooperación entre las autoridades federales de inmigración y las agencias locales de policía. Esta es la primera orden ejecutiva de Trump contra los inmigrantes y sin duda alguna no será la última.

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By Steff Yorek

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President Trump issued memorandums Jan. 24 to push ahead construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline. The memorandums direct the Army Corp of Engineers to expedite the issuance of an easement for crossing Lake Oahe and to rescind the Notice of intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement.


By Eric Struch

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As Chicago Transit Authority president Dorval Carter continues the undeclared war against bus operators, train operators and mechanics that his predecessor Forrest Claypool started, Amalgamated Transit Union Locals 241 and 308 have begun to unite to fight back. According to a statement from the unions, “ATU Locals 241 and 308 represent the vast majority of CTA employees (almost 10,000), working without a contract since December 2015. The CTA refuses to take the vast majority of its workforce seriously. It wants to strip them of their hard-earned benefits and deny them wage increases. The CTA wants to continue with the insults and abuses.”


By staff

On the evening of Jan. 20, about 400 protesters rallied at Dealey Plaza before marching through downtown Dallas to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump. The action was organized by North Texas Resistance, a community organization formed in the wake of Trump's electoral victory to fight against the new president and the reactionary policies and political forces he represents.


By staff

On the evening of Jan. 20, about 400 protesters rallied at Dealey Plaza before marching through downtown Dallas to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump. The action was organized by North Texas Resistance, a community organization formed in the wake of Trump's electoral victory to fight against the new president and the reactionary policies and political forces he represents.