Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera.


By la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad

Les damos una bienvenida de parte de Freedom Road Socialist Organization a todas y todos los que han venido de cerca y desde lejos para protestar en contra de la guerra en Irak, protestar la agenda republicana, y avanzar las demandas de paz, justicia e igualdad el 1 de septiembre en San Pablo, Minnesota. Como ustedes, nosotros estamos en contra de cuatro años más de ocupación, guerra, represión y racismo.

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By staff

Headshot of Imelda Daza-Cotes

Fight Back! interviewed Colombian professor and politician Imelda Daza-Cotes, who just finished a successful tour of seven U.S. cities where hundreds heard her speak. Professor Daza-Cotes is a surviving member of the Patriotic Union, a political party that suffered the murders of 3000 of its leaders, a crime for which no one has ever been charged or punished. She toured the U.S. hosted by the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera and supported by local groups like Students for a Democratic Society, Colombia Solidarity Committees, Anti-War Committee of Minneapolis and the national Colombia Action Network.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Americans are celebrating the defeat of warmonger and angry rich guy John McCain. The voters wanted change – an end to war, lies and corruption. Many correctly saw McCain as the continuation of Bush’s failed policies, so they punished him in the voting booths. To be sure, McCain’s pathetic response to the economic crisis and defense of tax breaks for the rich sealed his defeat. Working and middle class voters are angry about the economy, opposed to the $700 billion bailout and looking for a leader who will “spread the wealth.”


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The anti-war movement and a wide array of progressive people’s forces is set to protest outside the Sept. 1 Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Organizers are predicting more than 50,000 will fill the streets on Labor Day 2008. Protesters will confront the war-makers, racists and reactionaries who just a few years ago were bragging that Republican rule would last forever.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The midterm elections represented a defeat of historic proportions for the Bush administration. They were a referendum on the war against Iraq. The American people voted ‘no.’ The Republican agenda of racism, inequality and reaction met with a setback. This is a moment to savor. It’s payback time for the politicians who left people to die on freeway overpasses in New Orleans and who are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands in Iraq.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

outside steps of supreme court building in DC

Make no mistake about it, John G. Roberts, Bush’s nominee to the Supreme Court, is a clear and present danger to your rights. He’s a right-wing corporate lawyer with a reactionary agenda. Everyone concerned about what is fair and just should object to his confirmation by the Senate.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Ricardo Palmera, a key leader in Colombia’s largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), was handed over to U.S. custody Dec. 31. He is now sitting in a U.S. jail awaiting trial in federal court. Everyone who values justice should raise their voices and demand his immediate release.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Analysis of Bush reelection and second term prospects

Over the past year, a powerful movement to drive George Bush from office was born and developed. Many of us built demonstrations at his campaign appearances, passed out anti-Bush leaflets, marched against the war at the Republican National Convention and urged our friends, neighbors and co-workers to get out and vote against him. In the face of real obstacles, on Nov. 2 a vast outpouring of working people and those for oppressed nationality communities – African-Americans, Chicano-Latinos, Asian and Native Americans – rejected him and his policies. This was not enough to get Bush out of office, but because so many did so much, we’re in a better position to fight the attacks that are sure to come over the next four years.


By Meredith Aby

The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community has had an important victory! On May 17, Massachusetts performed the first legal civil marriages of same-sex couples in the country. In November 2003, the Massachusetts State Supreme Court ruled that the state’s ban on same sex marriages was illegal. It ordered that such marriages be legalized within six months. As queers and allies celebrate the victory in Massachusetts, it is important to reflect on where the movement has been and where it should go.