Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Class Struggle Unionism and the Tentative Agreement at UPS

On Sunday, August 13 at 3 p.m. Pacific time (4 p.m. Mountain / 5 p.m. Central / 6 p.m. Eastern), Freedom Road Socialist Organization will be hosting an online event entitled “Class Struggle Unionism and the Tentative Agreement at UPS” featuring rank-and-file Teamsters, some of whom are FRSO members.


By Labor Commission of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Statement on the Tentative Agreement between Teamsters and UPS

We want to give our support and solidarity to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in their victory in the contract battle with UPS. Militants in the Teamsters have demanded an uncompromising approach to contract negotiations. Since August of last year, the new leadership of the Teamsters listened to the members and launched a massive contract campaign, a breath of fresh air in the labor movement. As a result, they have achieved huge gains at UPS, reversing decades of Hoffa concessions. Members are looking over the tentative agreement now in preparation of voting it up or down.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Condemn the recent U.S. Congress resolution invoking unconditional support for I

By Anti-War Work Team of Freedom Road Socialist Organization


By staff

Tweet this image. In the text box, write "FreeSimonTrinidad" and t

Fight Back! is circulating the following call for a Twitter storm in solidarity with Colombian revolutionary Simon Trinidad, a political prisoner held by the U.S. government in the Florence, Colorado supermax prison. The National Committee to Free Simon Trinidad


By staff

Teamsters reach a tentative agreement with UPS for a new contract following rall

On Tuesday, July 25, the Teamsters reached a tentative agreement for the UPS 2023-2028 contract which covers 340,000 workers across the country. The agreement follows a rank-and-file campaign for a strong contract that resulted in a 97% strike authorization vote in June, and practice pickets all around the country in July in the lead up to a potential national strike on August 1.


By the Standing Committee, FRSO

FRSO launches two new Nationalities Commissions.

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) took another major step forward with the launching of an African American Commission and a Chicano/Latino plus other oppressed nationalities commission. Comrades from more than a dozen cities where the FRSO does organizing among African Americans, Chicanos, and other oppressed nationalities gathered to carry out a decision by the 9th Congress to establish these commissions.


By staff

UPS Teamsters on the Frontlines - Presented by FRSO, Sunday July 16

On Sunday, July 16 at 3 p.m. Pacific time (4 p.m. Mountain / 5 p.m. Central / 6 p.m. Eastern), Freedom Road Socialist Organization will be hosting an online event entitled “UPS Teamsters on the Frontlines” featuring rank-and-file Teamsters, some of whom are FRSO members, speaking on the latest in their current struggle for a contract with UPS.


By J. Sykes

Cover of "The East is still red" by Carlos Martinez

The new book, The East is Still Red: Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century, by Carlos Martinez and published by Praxis Press, is a valuable and important defense of socialism in the People’s Republic of China today. As the U.S. ramps up propaganda and aggression against China, this book addresses an important need, for everyone who wants a better world, to understand and defend China.


By staff

Organize a protest for the Tampa 5's second court appearance!

The Tampa 5 defendants at the founding of the Emergency Committee to Defend the

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Emergency Committee to Defend the Tampa 5.


By J. Sykes

Trotsky with Max Shachtman.

Max Shachtman was one of the original founders of the Trotskyite movement in the United States. He was a pragmatist, an opportunist even among opportunists, who led the first major split from the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in 1940. At that time, he broke with the orthodox Trotskyite position that the USSR should be understood as a “degenerated workers state” and that it instead had come to be ruled by a new “bureaucratic collectivist” class.