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News and Views from the People's Struggle

Great progress: FRSO fund drive nets $25,000 so far

By staff

Poster which reads: "FRSO Fundraiser. Donate now! Help build revolutionary org"

In the two weeks since the announcement of Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s $130,000 Spring Fundraising Drive, more than $25,000 has come in. More contributions are coming in every day.

FRSO Political Secretary Mick Kelly states, “We are off to a great start. FRSO is experiencing a period of unprecedented growth. We need to expand our capacity. This means we will be expanding our national office and bringing on more full-time staff. We will have more publications. And we will continue to send out organizers to build new districts of FRSO.”

Kelly continued, “The decline of monopoly capitalism is accelerating and every contradiction in U.S. society is sharpening. The conditions are extremely favorable for building revolutionary organization and doing this requires more resources.”

Local organizations of FRSO are identifying people who would like to contribute to this effort.

To contribute to the fundraising drive, go to and hit the donate button. You can also donate by mailing a check made out to “Lucy Parsons Institute” to 2942 Oakland Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55407.

#UnitedStates #PeoplesStruggles #FreedomRoadSocialistOrganization #Socialism

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