Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Joe Aharoni

Minnesota anti war activist Sarah Martin at February 18 bannering.

St. Paul, MN – Over 20 people held banners and signs as part of a national day of action, February 18, on the Snelling Avenue bridge over Interstate 94. The national call was issued by the United National Antiwar Coalition’s youth committee, Youth Against Empire, to show of international solidarity by demanding “No war with Iran! End the sanctions now!”


By staff

Denver protest against U.S. sanctions on Iran.

Denver, CO – On Saturday, January 20, the Denver Peace Council and Students for a Democratic Society gathered at the Colorado state capitol for a roadside protest against U.S. sanctions on Iran. The protest was called for as part of a national day of action by the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)’s youth committee, Youth Against Empire.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Against a backdrop of the new U.S. war in Iraq, the bombing of Syria, the continued U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan and almost daily reports of U.S. drone attacks, a round of spring anti-war events has been called by a coalition of groups.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – NBC news is reporting today, Aug. 27, that they have learned from government insiders that a attack on Syria could start “as early as Thursday.”


By United National Antiwar Coalition

A Statement by the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement on Syria from the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC).


By staff

The United National Antiwar Coalition recently issued an important statement on the rapidly increasing U.S. military intervention in Africa.


By United National Antiwar Coalition

The United States and other western powers are intervening on a large scale in Syria with the aim of overthrowing Syria’s progressive government. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the United National Antiwar Coalition:


By staff

Joe Iosbaker urges peace movement to join march on the RNC.

Tampa, FL – Joe Iosbaker, a spokesperson for the largest anti-war coalition in the U.S., the United National Antiwar Coalition, spoke at a press conference here, August 24, stating that the peace movement will be joining the mass march on the Republican National Convention. “The Republicans have never met a war they didn’t like,” said Iosbaker. “They support all the wars the U.S. government is waging right now. We are going to march on the RNC and say no to the wars being waged on behalf of the 1%.”


By staff

Chicago protest against U.S. war on Syria.

Chicago, IL – “Not another Libya! Hands off Syria!” chanted the crowd as they picketed against war June 26. The protesters mobilized in response to the events of recent days, such as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s lie about Russia sending attack helicopters and then Turkey’s convening of a NATO meeting after a Turkish fighter jet was shot down over Syrian territory.


By United National Antiwar Coalition

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the United National Antiwar Coalition.


By United National Antiwar Coalition

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the United National Antiwar Coalition


By staff

“The people are more powerful than the cops, the mayor, or NATO”

Fight Back! interviews Joe Iosbaker, the Chicago spokesperson for the United National Antiwar Coalition and a leader in the Coalition Against NATO/G8 War and Poverty Agenda, on the massive May 20 protest at the NATO Summit. Fight Back!: Please talk some about what happened at the march on the NATO Summit and who was there. Joe Iosbaker: 15,000 people rallied and marched against the war makers’ summit on a scorching hot day here in Chicago. It was a very broad gathering, involving the Iraq Veterans Against the War, National Nurses United and the Reverend Jesse Jackson. We had music by Tom Morello, Rebel Diaz, David Rovics and Outer National. Carlos Montes came from Los Angeles, straight from the political persecution trial he is facing. Students came from Utah, Florida and all over the Midwest.


By Steff Yorek

Emmi de Jesus, a congresswoman from the Philippines

Chicago, IL – People from around the world are coming to Chicago to protest NATO and the G8 on May 20. On May 17, international spokespeople gathered at the 8th Day Center for Justice in the Chicago Loop for a press conference in support of the protest against war makers and bankers.


By Tom Burke

Grand Rapids, MI – Anti-war activists held a May Day rally against the U.S.-led NATO war in Afghanistan. Twenty protesters gathered near the Union Soldier monument downtown chanting “No to NATO, end the war now!” Everyone held signs, “No to NATO, bring the troops home now!” or “End the U.S. war in Afghanistan, no to NATO!”


By staff

Stamford, CT – Over 500 people gathered here, March 23-25, for a conference of the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC). The conference brought together activists from up and down the East Coast and from across the country.


By staff

*Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the United National Antiwar Coalition for an important conference March 23 – 25. We urge you to attend.*


By staff

Joe Iosbaker demands right to march on the G8/NATO Summit at news conference

Chicago, IL – Mayor Rahm Emanuel has again refused to guarantee the First Amendment right to protest in Chicago.

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