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Spring anti-war actions called

By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Against a backdrop of the new U.S. war in Iraq, the bombing of Syria, the continued U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan and almost daily reports of U.S. drone attacks, a round of spring anti-war events has been called by a coalition of groups.

The coalition, comprising anti-war, peace, social justice and other groups, met in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 10.

The meeting agreed to hold a series of spring anti-war actions in Washington D.C. March 18-21. The March dates will mark 12 years since the start of the ‘shock and awe’ bombing of Iraq in 2003. The actions will culminate on Saturday, March 21 with a protest and march at the White House.

The actions, called Spring Rising: An Anti-War Intervention in D.C., will include educational forums, lobbying and as well as the protest at the White House.

A call issued for the events says in part, “A series of events will be held just as the ongoing U.S. war in Iraq – recently restarted in a new form – passes the 12-year mark since the March 2003 invasion.”

The call also says, “Spring Rising will comprise a number of events including a large rally and march, a teach-in, and lobbying. Its goal is to increase opposition to wars and militarism, and in particular to U.S. military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, as well as all U.S. drone attacks and surveillance worldwide.”

The schedule for events in Washington DC includes: Wednesday, March 18 – Peace gathering and fellowship. Thursday, March 19 – Lobbying on Capitol Hill, followed by a tour of the war machine: homes and offices of war criminals. Friday, March 20 – Afternoon and evening teach-in: Ending Current Wars, Ending the Institution of War. Saturday, March 21 – Protest at the White House, followed by a march.

Many of the endorsing groups have started to publicize the call for the March anti-war actions.

The ANSWER Coalition said in an e-mail announcement that it is “mobilizing its members, supporters and the larger movement to support these important activities that culminate in a rally and march on Saturday, March 21.”

The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) said in an e-mail announcement to its supporters, “On March 21, the anti-war movement will return to Washington, D.C. for a massive rally against U.S. wars.”

The UNAC e-mail statement went on to say, “On Jan. 10, UNAC joined many other major anti-war organizations at a meeting in Washington, D.C. where we planned for several days of action around the date of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. It is time that we are back in the streets in a big way. Please plan to join us, organize buses and car pools and save the date. For areas that are too far from Washington, D.C., plan your own action in your area.”

The UNAC statement concluded, “End all wars at home and abroad! Join us!”

The plan for DC antiwar actions was originally proposed by Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox and the Soapbox People's Network. It has been endorsed by Amnesty International Charlottesville, ANSWER Coalition,, Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Baltimore Pledge of Resistance, , CND CYMRU, CODEPINK, Granny Peace Brigade of New York City,, Maryland United for Peace and Justice, Military Families Speak Out, National Association Against Police Brutality, National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, Network to Stop Drone Surveillance and Warfare, The No Fear Coalition, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, PAX Christi Phoenix, Peace Action Montgomery, Peace Fresno, Popular Resistance, United National Antiwar Coalition, Veterans For Peace, Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality, Voices for Creative Non-Violence,, Washington Peace Center, Witness Against Torture, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, World Beyond War, and World Can't Wait.

For more information:

#MinneapolisMN #AntiwarMovement #UnitedNationalAntiWarCoalition #SpringRising

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