Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Redacción

Chicago, IL – Richard Berg es un sindicalista del ala reformista de los Teamsters. Actualmente, lo están amenazando con la expulsión del sindicato de aseo del Hospital de la Universidad de Chicago (HUC) Local 743. El es miembro desde 1988. Los bandidos que dirigen el sindicato quieren expulsarlo por el crimen de defender a los trabajadores.

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By Redacción

Pancarta dice "Rateros"

Para los miembros del Local 743 de los Teamsters en Chicago, tener oficiales vendidos es muy común. Los votos amanados en los contratos, votos amanados para elegir delegados en las fábricas, negociaciones a espaldas de los trabajadores con los patrones, éstas y otra variedad de quejas son actualmente el estado normal en nuestra Unión.

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By Redacción

El grupo de trabajadores de la companía Fredrick Cooper Lamp elegieron, de 62 a 30, a Tony Caldera para ser el nuevo representante de la Unión. Esto es una victoria muy significativa para el movimiento de la reforma dentro del grupo de líderes en local 743.

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By Tony Caldera



By staff

Tony holding sign saying, "Fair Elections."

Chicago, IL – The company and the union officials agreed: The workers would get nothing. These workers that had made the company owners rich by making lamps to be sold to wealthy people around the world, these workers, would now get nothing. The company was being sold and their jobs would be eliminated. Most had worked in this factory for more than 25 years and now they would get nothing.


By staff

Chicago, IL – At 6:30 in the morning on Thursday, Aug. 5, over one hundred workers went to work at the Frederick Cooper lamp factory. For 80 of them, it was the end of their week, because the company had cut out work on Friday. This reduced the workers’ income by 20% – one dollar out of five.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Teamsters reformer Richard Berg is being threatened with expulsion from the union. A rank-and-file activist, Berg has been a housekeeper and a member of Local 743 at the University of Chicago Hospitals (UCH) since 1989. The gangsters running the local are out to get him for the ‘crime’ of fighting for workers.


By staff

Sign says "Rateros"

Chicago, IL – For the members of Teamsters Local 743, being sold out by their union officials is a commonplace event. Rigged votes on contracts, rigged votes for union stewards, back room deals with the boss around grievances and contract issues is the normal state of affairs.


By staff

Chicago, IL – “We are making history,” said Teamster activist Antonio Caldera, “we are going to change the Teamsters and we are going to change the entire labor movement.” Caldera is one of many Teamsters across North America who collected signatures in support of union presidential contender Tom Leedham.


By staff

Chicago IL – Teamsters working at the Frederick Cooper Lamp Company elected Tony Caldera to be their union steward by a vote of 62 to 30. This is a significant victory for the reform movement in Teamsters Local 743.

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