Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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Oshkosh, WI protest one one year anniversary of Trump taking power.

Oshkosh, WI – 40 people gathered to protest the Trump regime in downtown Oshkosh, Jan. 20, to mark one year since his inauguration. Protesters hailed from a variety of groups: a community group called United Action Oshkosh (UAO), others from a local weekly rally group, a few from University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), and some unaffiliated with any groups. The demonstration itself was co-organized by SDS and UAO.


By staff

SDS protests racism on campus.

Oshkosh, WI – University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) braved the rain and the cold outside of Polk Library, Nov. 17, to put on a demonstration against racism. This was the first event for the new SDS chapter at UWO.


By staff

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Salt Lake City, UT – University of Utah Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) gathered outside the Marriott Library, Nov. 15, to host a campaign kick-off event for their upcoming anti-war campaign.


By Ian Decker

Participants at SDS Convention

Santa Barbara, CA – Over 95 students from every corner of the U.S. gathered on the University of California-Santa Barbara campus over the Oct. 21 weekend to attend workshops and hear speeches from fellow SDSers and affiliates, and to forge plans for the next year. The convention was organized and hosted by the SDS affiliate Student Activist Network.


By Theresa Nielson

SDS members at the fundraiser.

Salt Lake City, UT – 70 students and community members gathered to support the local chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) of the University of Utah, Oct. 6, to raise money for the SDS National Convention in Santa Barbara, California.


By Fabian Van Onzin

Cleaning up after Hurricane Harvey in  Houston, TX.

Houston, TX – In late August, Hurricane Harvey hit Houston and it caused untold destruction upon the city. Entire neighborhoods were submerged in water, hundreds of people lost their cars to flooding, and there were over three dozen deaths. The city's response was not very good; the well-off middle-class communities received immediate aid, but the working class and predominantly Black and Chicano/Mexicano neighborhoods received little assistance. In Houston's Sunnyside, for example, a predominantly Black neighborhood, there were nearly no FEMA responders and large rescue teams.


By staff

U of M workers say no to poverty wages

Minneapolis, MN – About 100 members of Teamsters Local 320, AFSCME Local 3800, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and others rallied Sept. 8 on the University of Minnesota campus at the McNamara building to demand decent contracts for the university workers’ unions.


By staff

Protest against hatred and bigotry at Colorado Capitol building.

Denver, CO – On Sunday, August 20, approximately 100 Coloradoans rallied at the State Capitol building to protest war, hate and bigotry.


By staff

SDS aims to “Make Racists Afraid Again”

Anti Trump protesters hold banner saying "Y'all racists," in MN Capitol.

St. Paul, MN – On Saturday, March 4, nearly 100 protesters confronted a pro-Trump rally at Minnesota's state capitol in Saint Paul. The gathering, called for by the University of Minnesota chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), marched into the Trump rally, disrupted it with chants, air horns and whistles. Physical skirmishes resulted. The anti-Trump protest was organized under the slogan “Make Racists Afraid Again.”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On Monday, Feb. 20, exactly a month after President Trump's inauguration, students at the University of Minnesota will rally outside of University President Eric Kaler's office under the slogan “Not My President's Day” to demand that Kaler take action to declare the University a sanctuary campus.