Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Chrisley Carpio

Students everywhere say no to Trump’s agenda

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Tampa, FL – On Jan. 20, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) organized a nationwide student walkout in protest of President Trump’s inauguration, his racist, xenophobic agenda, and his cabinet choices of millionaires and billionaires. His choices so far promise a four years filled with more war, deportations, the privatization of education, union-busting and threats to the rights of women and LGBTQ people. In over 25 cities around the country, SDS chapters led walkouts of classes and marched under the slogans: “Stop Trump’s Agenda! Education For All! Sanctuary For All!”


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).


By Fabian Van Onzin

Houston, TX – Over 30 people marched through downtown Houston on Nov. 5 to demand an end to police brutality. They were calling for justice for Alva Braziel and Jordan Baker, two African American men killed by Houston police in the last year.


By Katherine Draken

Florida students march against police brutality

Tallahassee, FL – On Oct. 22, 30 students rallied at Florida State University (FSU) as part of a national day of protest against police brutality. The students gave speeches and began their march at the Integration Statue on campus.


By Megan Faye Barnhurst

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On Sept. 27, 25 students rallied and marched on the University of Utah campus demanding “Education for all!”


By Tori Stratis

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Tampa, FL – On Sept. 26 over fifty students and faculty gathered to protest racist, sexist, LGBT hate mongering journalist Milo Yiannopoulos. The protest rallied in front of the Marshall Student Center at the University of South Florida (USF) where Milo was speaking.


By Zachary Schultz

Florida State students rally against misogynist bigot Milo Yiannopoulos.

Tallahassee, FL – On Sept. 23, over 40 students gathered at Florida State University (FSU) to protest a speaking event hosted by Milo Yiannopoulos, journalist for far-right website Breitbart News.


By Fabian Van Onzin

Students at the University of Houston protest against police brutality

Houston, TX – Over 30 students at the University of Houston participated in a protest against police brutality on Sept. 16. They began with a rally in front of the MD Anderson library on campus, with signs reading, “Black lives matter,” “End police brutality” and “Stop racist killer cops.”


By Sean Taylor

Utah rally in Solidarity with Palestine

Salt Lake City, UT – Fifteen people joined Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) outside the Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building, Aug. 27, in solidarity with Palestine after the most recent attacks. The week before, over 50 airstrikes were launched in less than an hour by the apartheid state Israel against Gaza. The barrage was the worst since Operation Protective Edge in 2014 which killed over 2100 Palestinians.


By Students for a Democratic Society

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Aug. 23 statement from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). National SDS Stands Against Israeli Attacks on Gaza, Demands End of U.S. Aid to Israel and to Fund Education Not Occupation!