Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Demonstrations mark 8th anniversary of Afghan War – demand immediate U.S./NATO withdrawal

On Oct. 7, students on 25 campuses across the United States will protest eight long years of war against the people of Afghanistan. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), a national student organization committed to activism for peace, justice and equality, is organizing the protest.


By Daniel Ginsberg

Student anti-war activists across the country are preparing for the Oct. 7 national day of action against the war in Afghanistan.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The U.S./NATO military commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, submitted a report to the Obama administration stating that more U.S. military forces must be sent to Afghanistan. In a Sept. 22 press conference, Twin Cites anti-war groups spoke out against the proposed escalation of the war and announced plans for demonstrations this fall against the war in Afghanistan and the continuing occupation of Iraq.


By Daniel Ginsberg

Students hold a banner reading "Education is a Right, Students Fight Tuition Hik

Milwaukee, WI – 100 students came to the Student Speak Out rally Sept. 14, an event created by Milwaukee Students for a Democratic Society to raise awareness of how the economic crisis is affecting students, faculty and staff at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.


By Tracy Molm

Minneapolis, MN – The University of Minnesota Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter infiltrated the ‘Welcome Week’ convocation to drop banners, Sept. 3. Convocation at the University of Minnesota has historically been an event to welcome thousands of new students to the university and sing the praises of the university administration. ‘Welcome Week’ is increasingly closed off to any issue that runs counter to the administration’s message.


By staff

At the 2009 national convention of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), over 100 delegates from across the country unanimously endorsed a resolution calling for the immediate U.S. withdrawal and an unconditional end to the occupation of Afghanistan.


By Kosta Harlan

Letter Delivered to Administration Demands Boycott and Divestment

A photo of SDS members delivering the petition

Chapel Hill, NC – A delegation of students from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) delivered a letter to Chancellor Thorp's office, Feb. 25, demanding that UNC divest from Israel. Holding a banner that said, “End U.S. aid to Israel!” the students explained their demands to the university administrator who received the letter in place of Chancellor Thorp. “We want our university to stop investing in the murder of Palestinian civilians,” said Maddy Miller, a member of SDS.


By Eric Gardner

Sign showing cancellation of Minutemen event at UCLA

Los Angeles, CA – Chanting, “What do we want? Legalization! When do we want it? Now!” a group of over 200 University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA) students and community members gathered outside of a campus lecture hall where Carl Braun, executive director of the California Minutemen Civil Defense Corps was scheduled to speak, Feb. 6.


By staff

New Brunswick, NJ – A large anti-war demonstration is set to take place March 27 at Rutgers University.


By Chapin Gray

Students march carrying since, including "Occupation is a Crime"

People across the country marked the 5th anniversary of the Iraq war by taking to the streets in protest. Students turned out in full force. Members of Students for a Democratic Society, whose call for a week of action against the war brought together over 90 SDS chapters and other progressive organizations committed to rallying, marching and walking out to protest the war. This week of actions was the largest student-organized anti-war protests since the war on Iraq began.